How to get your favourite training spots with no one in them!

Nah, the bots don't work in foreign. You should suggest it to though! ^_^
Foreign worlds are okay, as they can't be botted in heavily botted spots are usually a ghost town.
If you're willing to play legit, that is.
Really nice guide, for non-botters. I've been doing this for a long time and it really works.
Pixle Guy said:
This is actually really smart, i always do this. You can even do this if you want to bot.

How? My bot goes back to english -_-
Pixle Guy said:
This is actually really smart, i always do this. You can even do this if you want to bot.

Can you change it when your using Rsbot? if so, how?
I'm pretty sure there is some script or somesort on Rsbot/Powerbot that will understand german, but i havn't seen one, let alone getting to actually play on the world in the client...
It's what I always do for red spiders. Nice tip to the people who don't know though.
Lol, that's german bro, and now everyone will be doing this..
Dam too bad this wont work for bots
It doesn't work for bots because bots only have english words programmed, I mean if someone made it so that you could do everything with a ID then maybe it would work. I'm not a scripter or anything but it'd be cool if someone could do this specifically for runegear only =D

Ya that'd be cool, but I dont see it happening honestly.
"1. Go to RuneScape home page and change your language to Dutch."
It's German.
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