How to Hack All Forum Accounts!



This eBook does include 3 seperate methods on how to steal a forum account. Unlike the other eBooks Bad has created, this will get a users account that is ACTIVE, although, it will take a bit of trust and SE to gain administration access to the account


Grammar is great, and the readme is well organized on what to do, and is easily readable. it's about a page long full of information that is very useful.


Considering there are 3 methods, I will say that each one of them are creative in their own ways. Of course one of them requires you to have a certain skill, but it's very simple to do. I've actually never thought of one of the methods, so that's a great accomplishment for the author.


Overall, I think that you will be successful with gaining administration to an account as this has 3 different methods that will definitely work. Not only that, but one of the methods can gain you more than one account!

If you are interested in buying, please PM me with your Skype username. I am reselling this for Bad, so make sure to tell him that you are from FK and Firesteel55 sent you.

SkiŁŁz^^ said:
Vouch to this gay ,The ebook is awesome and safe !

James' Bitch said:
Vouch. Bought this method but he not responding to me on skype Also when do the people who bought all updates get V3? O:

#thatguy said:
Add my VOUCH to the list, pretty sure that method works!

Veteran said:
Vouch this method works. I have had v1-v3 they are very easy to use.

Kino said:
Huge fucking vouch for this method.

May I have a vouch copy please since most of those people are not from FK. Ty
Ill have a vouch copy too. Even though I doubt it works
I don't have the eBook, I am only advertising it. I do know that it works. If you add him, I am sure he will show you some proof.
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