How to make money off downloading your own files.{still working}


Active Member
How to make $0.40 - $0.50 cents an minute on SHARE CASH

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Easiest way for you to get this is going to be a blackhat way that I been getting by with
many many many times. It works great and I figured out the fast surveys to do it with!

What your going to need in order for this to work?
1. HotSpotShield here is the download link. Its Free!
2. Install HotSpotShield
3. Make a website real quickly using and just write some bullshit on there and
say click to continue.(Just in case spam wants to track your downloads.)Make about
2 - 3 atleast downloads.
4. Clear your cache now.
5. Sign onto HotSpotShield and wait for the icon to turn green in your taskbar.
6. Clear cache again to make sure
7. Go to your website
8. Click on the download you want
9. Okay here is an IMPORTANT PART. Click on the surveys that say:
~ How will you die? Click to find out
~ When will you die? Click to find out
10. Fill out the survey but take your TIME! Do not rush it because it will detect you went
to fast for it. After you finish the 10 questions you will be brought up to three questions:
11. This offer is a Cellphone number submit survey so you'll need a bunch of legit working
numbers. Don't worry you don't need to do your own. I been using my phonebook to get numbers
or my cell phone :)
12. After you did that click Ok, you will be brought to another page that has something to
do with enter your cell phone number here or something good! Stay on that page, I normally
dont move my mouse during this and takes about 10 seconds after that and than the file unlocks.

Things to remember:

~ Do not do it more than 30+ times a day.
~ Always clear your cache
~ Wait about 10 seconds - 120 seconds on that page in order for the download to unlock.
~ If it still doesn't work things you can do is, clear cache, disconnect from HPShield,
get a new IP, clear cache, go to another download again. This always works. Than repeat
steps 8 - 12
Thanks for this O_O Was thinking if this is going to work with MU as well.. >.> hmm
I knew about this for quite a long time now but this is a great share. I only can do it like 4-5 times though then it won't let me do any more offers.
Well that's cause they finding out how to stop people from cheating their system.