How to make samp maps


Active Member
1. Download MTA application. Here is the link to download. <a class="postlink" href=""><!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --></a>
2. Install it nicely and open it.
3. Click on Map editor at the menu.
4. When it open, click on F to toggle between create mode or menu mode
5. Menu Mode: In this mode, there are various options at the above of the screen like new, open, save, save as, locations, definations etc.
A.) New - To open new map file
B.) Open - To open your saved map
C.) Save - To save you map when you are done
D.) Save as - To save again with new name
E.) Locations - To goto any locations you saved.
How to save location:
I.] Goto the location by which you wanna save
II.] Click on locations then click on Dump current location then Add it.
III.) It will be saved. then anytime you start mta and want to goto your location. you can go by this method.
F.) Current Elements: All that objects used in the map will be saved here so you can manage them by clicking on current elements
G.) Definations: To add or remove definations like tdm, races, interiors, rcg, deathmatch etc then click on definations

There are few other options such as undo, redo, setting, options and Test

6. Create Mode: Press F again toggle to create mode from menu mode. After that you can move around and place object in map nicely. Press F again to go in menu mode and see down left of the screen. you will see four options there - Marker, Objects, Pickup & Vehicles
7. Click on objects to explore different object used for making maps. Select any object that you think its good for map and place it in map nicely. After placing the object in map, double click on it. you will see a dialog box opening. There will be some degrees like position x y z and rotation x y z. Change them according to you to make it perfect
8. Click on vehicles option to add vehicles in map. select vehicle and place it in map nicely. [Note: Not more than 20 vehicles in one map and leave the space between vehicles so it will not bug.]
9. Make a nice and awesome map, Give a name to map and save it
10. Where the maps get saved? : Goto Mycomputer/Programfiles/mtasanandreas/server/mods/deathmatch/resources/YourMapName which you gave while saving
11. So A folder will be created with the name of your map. Open that folder and see in - there will be 2 files. Send that two files to your server's manager and done
It is a game. We can make our own map and can play on it. It is a mod of game "gta san andreas"
yes, i remember
i installed a sky road by change some files in the gta directory
Yea correct. The map you downloaded, right? and installed it in game.
Difference is I make the maps and sell them at samp forum in good price and sometimes I use them for my server