[HOW TO] PiraX Secret Word Crypter/Decrypter [TUT]


I really wanted a secure way to communicate with people in places that are not-so-secure. So, I made a cryptography tool for use by anyone on my website. Also, I figured this tool could also used by people who crypt their .RAR passwords so that n00bs can't leech their downloads. Anyways, here's how you use it:

How to Encrypt a word:
First, you will need to go to http://pirax.net/secret/. Once you are there, you will see the following page:


Click on "Encrypt".

You will now see a page that looks like this:


In the field labeled "Secret Key", you will type in the master key for your encryption. You will need this key to be able to decrypt your crypted message.

In the field labeled "Secret Phrase", you will type in the word or words you want to encrypt.

It should look something like this:


In my example, I used "scarygoblins" as my key and 'PASSWORD" as the word I want to encrypt. After you have done this, simply click "Submit" or "Go" or whatever it says. It will then show you your encryption. It should look something like this:


Now all you have to do is copy and paste the Encrypted Phrase and give it to someone who knows the master key.

How to Decrypt a word:
First, you will need to go to http://pirax.net/secret/. Once you are there, you will see the following page:


Click on "Decrypt".

You will come to a page that looks like this:


In the field labeled "Secret Key", you will type in or paste the master key you were given. In our case, this will be "scarygoblins".

In the field labeled "Encrypted Phrase", you will paste the encryption you were given. In our case, the encryption was "CBRANH]F". After you have done this, click "Submit".

Now let's see if it worked:


It did! It took the encrypted phrase "CBRANH]F" and decrypted it to reveal the original "PASSWORD"!
Very nice man. Thanks for the share.
This actually took a long time to make. I'm somewhat dissapointer at the fact that only one person has replied.
PiraX said:
This actually took a long time to make. I'm somewhat dissapointer at the fact that only one person has replied.

I am going to check it out here in a sec. It will be interesting to play with. :p
Philly said:
I am going to check it out here in a sec. It will be interesting to play with. :p

Like a Minecraft seed, the output changes based on the key you input. It is impossible to break the encryption without knowing the key. Post a message along with the key so that another user can decrypt it.
Key: ForumKorner
Encrypted Phrase: qxe;Kd}gcN}tawg#h`

Lets see if anyone can decrypt it. :p