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How To Properly Introduce Yourself

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Power member.

Now that you have registered and have officially joined ForumKorner, we would like to get to know you. You can start helping us getting to know you with making a introduction thread. I took sometime out of my day to make this thread appealing, helpful, and easy to read. This thread will guide you on how to make a proper introduction thread.

The Five W's is a mnemonic device, that will be help you make your introduction thread with ease and comfort. Use this mnemonic device as if you were to be filling out a application.

Who are you?

When were you born?

Where are you from?

What are your hobbies, interests, etc.?

Why are you here?

If you feel uncomfortable with answering any of the questions in the mnemonic device, then by all means go ahead and skip the question(s). You also don't have to follow the particular order they are listed in this thread.

For your convenience I created a template introduction for you to use as a example or template.

 Hello ForumKorner! I'm [Insert name here]. I'm [Insert age here], and was born [Insert Birth date here]. I currently live in [Insert country, state, or city here]. I enjoy [Insert hobbies and interests here]. I came to ForumKorner because [Insert reason why you are here, here].[Insert anything else you want to say here]. Looking forward to being part of the community.

Hopefully this thread has been helpful or useful for you. I spent a while on creating it and making it detailed and high quality. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. Be sure to leave a good first impression grammar wise, too!


Well-Known Member
Cannibаl said:
That's the simple way, this is the proper way.

Hey Noob.

Finally something we agree on.
It says to me, That if you bland and boring with a introduction that's what kind of person you are.

By putting a little effort into it, it can tell another person a lot more about you and your personality. Also it will make you want to know the person if you have some Hobbies the same or whatever they happen to post.

HQ Thread here cannibal. Well done.
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