How to put a Signature (tutorial)


1. First go to

2. You will see a window that says " Media Upload ", click on it (located on the left)

3. Once you click on it there should be a button that says browse, then choose your picture

4. Once you picked you picture, there should be a button called "upload", click on it

5. After a few seconds you should get this screen

6. Find the button that says Forum Code

7. Copy the Forum Code

8. Once you copy it, go to FK

9. Click on "User CP"

10. Under Menu, there should be something that says change signature

11. Click It

12. Paste the Forum Code and it should look something like this

Uploaded with

13. Just delete the part that says "Uploaded with" and the stuff after it

14. All you need to press is Upload an voila

<3 Pvt
lol this is really unneeded IMO but still an alright tut hhaaha
or u can say.

1) get image URL

2)go to fk

3) edit profile

4) edit signature

5) copy and paste

Not really HQ and needed, but thanks! good for newbies :p
you'll be shocken on how many members dont know how to do this