How to recover a billions runescape acc? Check Here


So, I found a ebook on my computer how to recover a runescape acc/abandoned.
I tried it multiple times and I earned 80$ on many accounts.
Pm me If you want this
It's probably outdated. RuneScape updated their recovery system not too long ago. When was the last time you've used the method?
I used it like a week ago I still can get accounts btw I updated this ebook
Can i have this? thanks
it is veery possible to do, i am willing to do it for the low price of $60 billion
if you are doing this for free ill have one. if not ill take a vouch copy.
I would like this. :3 But don't have 25 posts, and dont want to start spamming the forums, so it might take me a while.
Skype - OhSoSmokey
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