How to secure a Recovered Account

-First go to Account Management
-Next hit Email Registration
-Now Log into the Account
-Enter YOUR email into the NEW email box, leave current email blank
-Click on Code Submission Page
-Go into YOUR email and open the email sent from JaGeX
-Copy the VERIFICATION Code and paste into the Code Submission
-LEAVE that email open
-Click Submit on the Code Submission Page
-Press the "Click Here" in the 2nd paragraph to go back to Code Submission Page
-Go back to the email and scroll DOWN and copy the UNSUBSCRIBE Code
-Enter the email YOU used and paste the UNSUBSCRIBE Code
-Click Submit
-Go back to Account Management by going back to the RuneScape main page
-Click on Email Registration again
-Enter YOUR (Must be the SAME as the one you earlier used to change the email) email to register it
-Go back to YOUR email and you should now have YOUR email on it

-Click on Account Management
-Scroll DOWN to the bottom and click Recover Password
-Click Recover STOLEN Password
-On the LEFT side it says recover via email
-Enter YOUR email you used earlier to unsub and resub
-Go back to your email and copy VERIFICATION code and paste in the box and click Recover Via Email
-Now the account has been CLEARED of the Recovery Questions you DIDN'T know

-Go to Account Management
-Click on Set Recovery Questions
-Log into THE account
-Fill out the whole form and click Submit
-You have YOUR Recovery Questions ACTIVATED

-Go to Account Management
-Click on Change Password
-Log into THE account
-Enter the OLD password and enter YOUR new one
-I did not create this.
I did not create this. I said so in the first post.
I also added/took out information.

I didn't just copy+paste.
But regardless, I did say that I didn't create it.(Bottom left of post in very small letters).
This is how to get if you got the account from someone else? orr..if it's your own
Cool. It worked for me.
There is a better tutorial but my friend has it in his forums VIP Section.
And I don't want to take it without permission.

If I ever get permission I will post a better/more detailed tutorial.


Sexy, it can work either way.
It is suppose to be used for YOUR ACCOUNT.
But it worked for me when stealing others accounts.
You should color code it to be honest, it's very confusing if not..
Hmm. I am not sure how it's confusing.
Just read each step-by-step.

But I will reorganize it later. Thanks for the tip, Sexy! I take all suggestions to the heart.
:) no problem, just trying to help.
jk looks like common sense just don't do it all in one night cuz i did that be4 n boom acc lockd
Nice, but pictures are easier to use.
email change doesent work -.-

u wont get any unsubscribecode.... did u test it yourself? if u did get the code, then im like wtf?

u should make the steps more clear, cus i dont understand english pretty well ;)
It is clear. Pm me if you need help.
Yes, I did get a unsubscribe code. But I will test it again tomorrow.
Dusk said:
It is clear. Pm me if you need help.
Yes, I did get a unsubscribe code. But I will test it again tomorrow.

wtf this cant be. do u mean the very first email? cus there's no other code than the normal one
does this have high rate of working? because i have a few accounts i need this for.