How To: Secure an Instagram Username


User is banned.

After securing 3 Instagrams using this method, I think this method probably works the better than most. Pictures will be up to help as soon as I get the chance to make them.

What's Needed:
  • Internet Connection (seems obvious)
  • iDevice, and Android Device, or Bluestacks (PC app)
Step 1: Initial Securing
This is in case the old owner immediately tries to take back the Instagram. Go to and sign in (if you haven't already). Then change the email and password.

Step 2: Linking
Sign into the Instagram you want to swap on your alternate device, then go then upload a picture and where it says share, make sure to share it to Facebook (Twitter might work to, haven't tested it yet), this disallows them from taking back the account.

Step 3: Swapping
Note: Be sure not to do this as soon as the Instagram is received, as if the Instagram was revealed to more people than just you more than likely someone is trying to turbo it. Also if you are weird and have a turboer than sign in on that and use that to swap your account
Open up on your computer and sign into your account you're swapping onto on your alternate device (iPhone, Bluestacks, etc.) and go to Edit Profile. After this change the Username on the account you want to swap and hit save. Immediately after that, change the username to the desired username on your alternate device. If it's available, hit save, if not, go back and try to take the name again.

That's basically all there is to it, like I said in the beginning I will add pictures soon. I also might improve the thread design, but idk.
Pun said:
Nice tut and super helpful man. Congrats. Going for the award?

What award? I was cross posting this from my HF, which is why the shadow was so dark on the header.
You forgot to check if their FB is linked & add your own, otherwise they can take it back.
Sora‌ said:
What award? I was cross posting this from my HF, which is why the shadow was so dark on the header.
There's a tutorial award. I have it it's the A+ thing.
Nice tutorial. I will be sure to use this if I need it.
Reptar said:
You forgot to check if their FB is linked & add your own, otherwise they can take it back.

Thanks for telling me, I didn't even realise this. (Time to go check my IG's)
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