How to: Secure an Instagram.

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Well-Known Member

How to secure an Instagram

Step 1
Sign in at

Step 2
Swap the current username on the account you've purchased with a new random one, and turbo/swap your Instagram username that you have purchased.

Step 3
Delete the account by clicking here once you've successfully swapped the username: or by hitting the "I'd like to delete my account" link in the lower right hand corner in "Edit Profile".

Step 4
Once you've signed in to your fresh account, click on your account and hit "Edit Profile" or go here:

Step 5
Go to the "Manage Applications" tab or

Step 6
Remove any existing applications that have access to your Instagram/make sure no other applications have authorization access to your Instagram account besides you.

Step 7
Change the password and security question information to something very complex, including numbers, uppercase/lowercase letters, and special characters.

Step 8
Change the email to a 2-step verification email address in order to have maximum account security.

This is neat as hell!
Keep em coming on these tutorials on how to secure sm's.
This a great tutorial that will help many users. Sticky material for sure.
I have many ways to still stay in the account, aim me and I can tell you what else to put in your thread so everyone else knows
This is a great thread, I'll refer to this next time I buy a instagram
Nice tutorial man, sure this will help a lot of people out.
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