How to Setup Spy-Net 2.6


Power member.
How to Setup Spy-Net 2.6

Download Spy-Net 2.6 here.

First, go to where the image below points and choose "English.ini"

Now your Spy-Net is in english!

Now press "Add" and insert your no-ip and port Ex. (

Set everything like below, randomize your mutex and regkey, also make sure to have your p2p spread like mine.

Make sure to listen in on the right port, and put the password you set, after your done click the green arrow.

Any other option is personal choice, remember to keep your no-ip up-to-date and never trade installs, it makes your bots unstable.

You don't want them to know there infected, so don't play with there desktops etc, the longer there infected the more logins and great info you can pull from each bot.

I hope this tutorial helped, if you need help or have any questions just post and I'll be happy to help.

Would this work on a mac? :3
Okay once I set up the thing to be listened in on it just says waiting for connection. What do I do now?
You wait for someone to run your server, is this the first time you've used a RAT?
Does spy-net have a ddos feature?
im confused, how to i make it so i send to ppl?
ZeroAT said:
Thank you very much carbon

Can you help me set mine up? If so add my msn. Thanks
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