How to Side Load a program onto your Android Device


This procedure will show you how to side load a program onto your device if the carrier has locked out the option to allow for 3rd party or unknown sources. It is a pretty simple procedure. First you need to download SideLoad Wonder:

Android Central


This program only uses standard adb commands (Google approved) and isn't doing anything that will hurt your phone. It's also built using standard Windows tools and controls, and using the standard Windows api, so it isn't doing anything that will hurt your computer. It has been virus checked by Microsoft Security Essentials, with the latest definitions as of 04/11/2011.

That being said, if you use the Sideload Wonder Machine, it's at your own risk. Nobody is forcing it on you, and nobody is responsible for anything that happens. Especially me.

This information is provided by the developers of the program Android Central!


Now to get started. You must connect your phone to your PC using a USB connection.

Before connection you MUST make sure your phone is set to charge only when connected via USB. This is located in your manual.

For my Atrix it is located at Settings>Applications>Development

For your phone it maybe a bit different.

Connect your phone to your PC via USB. Now onto the PC aspect.


Install the SideLoad Wonder Machine App. After you install it you get this screen:

You first click the the Choose APK to select the installer package:

After I select my file I get confirmation that the .apk is loaded and ready for install:

Now naturally you click install:

After that you get the daemon started for the process:

It then installs your program automatically and notify s you of either success or failure:

Now you can safely close out the program and remove your phone from connection to your PC.

All of this is possible due to the efforts of the people at Android Central. They deserve all credit for the program and procedure. They have their own topic on this very same matter located here:

They also have a Linux/Mac version as well:

I have created this topic with my own screen shots using their program. I take no credit in anything other than writing up this guide for the members here.
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