Here is how to find a bot.
If you think you found one, please PM a staff member a link to its profile, or report it the normal way.
#1: Bots usually have random names, names that do not make sense, irrelevant names, or non-"og" names.
#2: I've noticed that the bots have birthdays in february in the late 80's.
#3: Many bots post in other languages, this is an obvious reason to report a bot.
#4: Also, many bots have low or medium time spent on the forum.
#5: They don't have avatars, or a signature.
Here are some example that will likely be banned soon. (1337 ) ( I accidently repped it. I suggest saving the rep due you can only do it so many times a day. )
Notice their birthdays.
Reporting a bot is a great way to keep the UG community clean and organized. Please don't hesitate to report a bot. If it is a real person, we will figure it out, so don't feel guilty if you aren't sure. :blackhat:
If you think you found one, please PM a staff member a link to its profile, or report it the normal way.
#1: Bots usually have random names, names that do not make sense, irrelevant names, or non-"og" names.
#2: I've noticed that the bots have birthdays in february in the late 80's.
#3: Many bots post in other languages, this is an obvious reason to report a bot.
#4: Also, many bots have low or medium time spent on the forum.
#5: They don't have avatars, or a signature.
Here are some example that will likely be banned soon. (1337 ) ( I accidently repped it. I suggest saving the rep due you can only do it so many times a day. )
Notice their birthdays.
Reporting a bot is a great way to keep the UG community clean and organized. Please don't hesitate to report a bot. If it is a real person, we will figure it out, so don't feel guilty if you aren't sure. :blackhat: