How to strip xbl gold off of accounts


Power member.
how to strip gold off of gamertags


1. you must have the email and password to the account

2. you must have the password to the email that they created the account with (5/10 its the same password to the GT and the email)

3. log on to with their gamertag info

4. goto contact us page

5. select product : billing subscription, category: prepaid codes, Item : other

6. then choose chat with microsoft support (online chat)

7. ok now this is were the email comes in handy you say(type) "i want to remove the membership on the account and onto another account" (she'll ask why) make up some bullshit

8. She'll ask you to logon your email (or random email you took from someone) and she'll give confrimation that she sent a email to it

9. open the email and there will be a code for however much live was left on the account

(EX. if you had a 3 month and you have 2 months left she'll send you two one month codes, if the person you jacked has a year on it and its only been 2 months they'll prolly send you 10 1 month codes)

-again sorry if this method is already known but it is free :D
Sorry, never say sorry for releasing a method. I didn't know about this, so regardless if no one else finds any help in this you helped me, thanks :)
XnW said:
Sorry, never say sorry for realesing a method. I didn't know about this, so regardless if no one else finds any help in this you helped me, thanks :)

Glad for helping you. i usually get flamed and shit lol
Thanks for the method I'll try it out on my cousins account for the lolz...
i would appreciate it if people posted if they liked it or if it worked for them
This is great bro. I will have to try this out.

Out of curiosity, what did YOU say at the make up some bullshit part?

I dont want my made up bullshit to not be good enough lol. PM me
Violence said:
This is great bro. I will have to try this out.

Out of curiosity, what did YOU say at the make up some bullshit part?

I dont want my made up bullshit to not be good enough lol. PM me

Something like you're starting highschool and you just don't have time to play Xbox. Or if you sound older, say you're going to college or finding a job.
Violence said:
This is great bro. I will have to try this out.

Out of curiosity, what did YOU say at the make up some bullshit part?

I dont want my made up bullshit to not be good enough lol. PM me

i said because my friend gave me another but it doesnt have live on it
Apock said:
I'm sure someone with autism could do this. Just saying.

im glad its simple no need to be a dick about it
Junior said:
I made a better tutorial which makes you call xbox support through there direct number.

Ya but some people cant SE for shit on the phone, they'd rather take their time on text chat.