How to Swap a Twitter Successfully!?


I found something the other week and It's had a 100% success rate, However I'm not 100% Sure it's a Method or anything lol.

Step 1: Have 2 Different Browsers open with Twitter on.

Step 2: Make a Twitter you want the New Handle on.

Step 3: Change both of the passwords to the same thing and have it copied.

Step 4: Have the Twitter that you want to change it to make the word for e.g I have Graph so I would type Grap in.

Step 5: Go back to the one the Handle is on and Go as far to this: Paste the password in.

Step 6: have both browsers up like this:

Step 7: When You are ready Change the name on the one you want to swap and put something random like: elkdlf3333r

Step 8: Quickly goto your other browser And then Type : Graph with the "h" and It will be reserved, Then just paste the password in and Boom You have swapped your twitter, Someone else try this and please tell me if it works.

Tried it with a random twitter name (Nothing OG) and it worked! Thanks! I hope this beats those fags' twitter turboer. If you don't know what I mean check them out: they have stolen many OGs with there asian turboer lol anyways, thanks again for the share!
Invade said:
Tried it with a random twitter name (Nothing OG) and it worked! Thanks! I hope this beats those fags' twitter turboer. If you don't know what I mean check them out: they have stolen many OGs with there asian turboer lol anyways, thanks again for the share!

Yeah that's mainly why I did this ;) Glad it works :D
Haunt said:
Yeah that's mainly why I did this ;) Glad it works :D
Yeah! I will use this a lot! Also, did Vortex give you /Swipe? I need to ask you some questions so hit me up with a PM!
I used to do this a lot. But turboers can easily beat this, it happened to me :(
Thanks for this, should be handy.
You know you can have the other browser at the part where it says "Put in your password" and have it already say the twitter name you want :p.

WAY faster. But thanks for this
Can someone here possibly code a twitter turbor?

or are those asians just too much smarter than us?
Satan ▲ said:
You know you can have the other browser at the part where it says "Put in your password" and have it already say the twitter name you want :p.

WAY faster. But thanks for this

Yeah but with that you have to Refresh the page and it's risky but I see your point :p

Heisenberg said:
Can someone here possibly code a twitter turbor?

or are those asians just too much smarter than us?

Me & My Partner are currently working on one but it will not be sent around.
Haunt said:
Yeah but with that you have to Refresh the page and it's risky but I see your point :p

Me & My Partner are currently working on one but it will not be sent around.

Ohh good for you Haunt.