How to take Screen Shots for Dummies [PC]


Active Member
An Idiots Guide to taking Screen Shots [PC]
(Pictures of your runescape account)​

Things you will need:
  • Program : Paint
  • A Keyboard
  • A Mouse or laptop touchpad
  • Any Internet Browser
  • An Internet Connection

Step 1 :
First what you are going to need to do is open your internet browser and navigate to . Click the big play button and login.

Step 2 :
Once logged into your Runescape account, navigate to your skills tab. Now you are going to need to look at your keyboard. Find the "Insert" Key. You should see under it "Prt SC". Depending on your keyboard, you may also have just a separate button for "Prt Sc". If your "Prt Sc" button is the same as your insert button, you may need to press and hold a "Function" or "FN" or "Ctrl" key while pressing the "Prt Sc" button. Once you have figured out the combination for your specific keyboard, press your key combination while you have your runescape stats up on screen.

Step 3:
Open up paint. Find the select tool (also called a rectangular marquee tool). Select the area that shows your stats. You should have a dotted line around it when you are done. Find the crop tool, which should be very close to the select tool. Press the crop tool and now your image should shrink to just what you had selected.

Step 4:
Save the image to your desktop. Save it as whatever you please. Now re-open your Internet Browser and navigate to . Select the browse option and upload your picture.

Step 5:
Now that you have uploaded your picture, it shows many links you can use. Find the one that is the "Direct Link" and copy it. Come on over to RuneGear and start your thread. Take your link and get read to post the picture. To do so place your link you just copied into the following code:

Step 6:
Repeat for pictures of your Bank, Login Screen, Combat Level, and Blackmarks.

Note - This was made by Atrain for and may not be used for any other website without the consent of Atrain.

Note v2- This should be stickied in both the RuneScape Tutorials and the Marketplace to prevent people from constantly asking how to take pictures.
l2go start > snipping tool > drag and drop what you want to screenshot > save.

Nerds need to learn to do it the c00l way.
Very good, Atrain. I know people who don't post pictures, it's really annoying!