Once you obtain a IP address it is necessary to trace it back to it’s source. So in this post I will show you how to trace any IP address back to it’s source. In fact tracing an IP address is very simple and easier than we think.
There exists many websites through which you can trace any IP address back to it’s source. One of my favorite site is ip2location.com. Just go to
http://adf.ly/33Qb and enter the IP address that you want to trace in the dialog box and click on “Find Locationâ€â€˜. With just a click of a button you can find the following information for any given IP address.
1. Country in which the IP is located
2. Region
3. City
4. Latitude/Longitude
5. Zip Code
6. Time Zone
7. Name of the ISP
8. Internet Speed
9. Weather Station
10. Area Code and
11. Domain name associated with the IP address.