HOW TO: Upload iPhone Photos to Google+


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Who says Android phone users get to have all the fun uploading photos to Google+? You can do that with an iPhone, too, using any app that can send pics to Google‘s image organizer, Picasa.

For this how-to sent to us by Paul Molluzzo of Alpha Dad, let’s use an ad-supported app called Piconhand [iTunes link], available free on the App Store.

Once you have the app downloaded and installed, follow Paul’s quick tutorial (with some of my own tips inserted):

Sign in with your Google credentials. You'll see a list of your existing albums.

Be sure you have location services turned on.

Find Location Services by tapping the Settings icon, then Location Services, and then scroll down to find Piconhand.

Create a new “Mobile” album.

Or name it whatever you wish, perhaps a Circle name you'd like to give access to. This gives you control of who gets to see these pics in Google+.

Select “Upload," pick a Picasa album, but nothing happens until you tap "Start"

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