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'Hurricane F': 1 Year Anniversary.


Power member.
Happy 1 year anniversary of the biggest ban wave in XBL history, approximately 1.5 times bigger than the 2012 ban wave where a crap ton of nice tags were banned at once. At this exact time last year many tags were all banned at once. Last year on Feburary 18th, Karen Stevens one letter "F" was jacked and swapped, and swapped again, and swapped again, and again. Personally i blame Convict for this banwave because i told him i didn't want to add anyone on F and he was like "Oh no no dude just add everyone you get a friend request from" so i did, made a video, put it on YT, the Xbox Enforcement Team got wind of said video, and banned every tag on the F/L of "F" at the time the video was recorded, got a fat console ban as well as every tag on the console was banned.

I was reluctant to add my main gamertag on F because i was scared of getting banned, but i didn't really think i would, so i added myself to look "cool", lol biggest mistake. I got back to my friends house from a great day of skating to see a message from @Supra on skype saying "bro, you've been console banned", "everyone has". "What?" i said, and he explained everyone who had added F was banned along with their consoles. So i turned on my consoles and their it was, console banned from XBL, so i went to xbox.com and BAM, my tags were all banned. TBH i wasn't mad at all, i was like "well sheeeeiiittt".

4 days later, after the one letter F was unbanned, Convict and i and a few others were all in a skype call and i said "Holy shit they're on the dashboard omg omg" and Convict was like "so" so i explained "Why else would they be on the dashboard then to swap it"? So i fired up my turboer and miraculously the second i fired it up it said:

Literally everyone in the skype call was freaking out; then out of nowhere it said "F" was at the dashboard... but how could that be? I was at a friends house and we definatley weren't on Xbox due to my console getting banned along with my tags (rip). So i fired up the turboer again and yep, you guessed it:

The amount of screams comming from our skype call was unfathomable, it was ridiculous, almost like someone just got shot. So a day later, no sign of Xbox trying to swap the tag, i thought for sure we were gonna keep it. Dura was gonna buy it for 120$ LR, convict was convincing me to do it, but i was naieve and thought we were going to keep it. That night as i slept F was swapped back on to Karen Stevens main account and F was lost forever. We kept F for the second longest time in history that a one letter was kept; S was kept for 2 years, shimichi forced to pull it back by his supervisor due to the fact that the general public are not allowed to have one letters as they were reserved for the original Xbox launch team, and then R which was held by Villain and then deleted. F was kept for about 1 and a half weeks muahaha.

So i went home, it was over, F was gone and i was console banned. I contacted my friend and bought his Xbox; but wait... one of my tags survived: Shadowololol, the only tag that wasn't OG that got away scott free, i decided to make that my main gamertag from that moment on so i recovered it, was sitting at my computer and saw what looked like someone sent me a message on XBL and i looked and it said "Account signed in elsewhere", my first thought was "what the fuck"? I went to sign back in and lo and behold another fat console ban, little did i know they purposely didn't ban one of my accounts, but flagged it instead hoping one day i would recover it so they could ban me again. RIP Halo Reach edition Xbox.

There you have it, the legacy of Hurricane F, probably the most hurt one by this was @Devour , he had his dream tag, and it was taken from him right before his eyes and yes, we would still have our tags unbanned if we didn't make any mistakes because at that time, we were selling our gamertags and not even censoring them out.

What are your thoughts on this? What do you remember from 2/18/13? Where were you on this day? Post below to add your own thoughts to this thread.

The video of "F": [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r61cZ1LZpI4[/video]

Threads from these chronicles: http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-68326.html?highlight=one+letter+gamertag

Console Ban Method: http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-68833.html?highlight=ban+method

Picture of the owner of F LOOOL, hi Karen ;)

If your gamertag was banned and or console, please post it but here's a list of all the gamertags that were banned from Hurricane F that have been posted and from the ones i remember:

(Approx #'s: About 70 OG's as well as 50 consoles were banned in 5 days)

(Trojan is also probably main cause as to why everyone was banned, go whine to him (twitter: akaTrojan))

R 6
Shadowololol + 2 Console bans

Envious + 1 CB

Scary + 1 CB

Checkers + 1 CB

Stadium + 1 CB

G6s + 1 CB

1 CB

*** + 1 CB

1 CB

@ (Owned by unknown people(s) / people i can't remember)
Despise + 1 Console ban

L d (Owned by Jake) + 1 CB


Power member.
Devour said:
Good day, one of my favorite on this site.

Vouch, my favorite day on XBL. How many CB's did you get from this marvelous day?

fak u karen


User is banned.
The amount of times it was turbo'd tho... jesus


Wow, this is actually so interesting lmfao. So you jacked F, added people, and they got banned?


All I can say is if you still had "F" I would take a shit in my pants because anyone if they have a 1 letter that's as close to calling you an Xbox Employee there is because 99% of all 1 letter are either on original xbox servers, or owned by MS employees. I'm sorry to hear you lost all your accounts but you should of been a bit more cautious.
:( R.I.P @F


Power member.
Michael said:
Wow, this is actually so interesting lmfao. So you jacked F, added people, and they got banned?

The F/L was full in less than 3 hours, not only did OG's add it but random accounts that are on the 'other side' of xbl if you feel me. Not only did all the accounts in the video get banned (most of them anyways), but i realized just now i had left the privacy settings to open so anyone who was sent a FR from F or was on F's friends list on any of the accounts we had F on, was banned, GG.


User is banned.
I'm not even gonna lie I thought it was funny as shit, I gave con google voice # sat back and fucked around on the launch team account while you guys fucked with "F" then the next thing everyone is freaking out cause they all got raped by KaReNThEGoD


Power member.
Hope said:
Dawg I almost lost Grape to this cus I begged @Trojan to add me and he said bro I have a sketchy feeling about this. I lost Grape a year later anyways; but he saved me from losing it then. Also if there were that many OGs banned; you should list them. I see it as a made up number. Terrible event though. At least most members recovered from this. You should list @Megaman had (edited) banned along with his console.

The amount of consoles banned, randoms added, og's added it's gotta be somewhere up there, cause remember dude OG's skyrocketed in prices after this. 7 Letters for selling for 450$ after this. Don't forget too their was not that many og's then either which makes this far worst, remember when Stadium sold for 375$?


User is banned.
This was a great read, I wasn't around at the time but have heard about this, Sad times for all those lost OGs :'(

But serious question. Why were all the GTs on the FL banned? They only added it as a friend?


User is banned.
I vaguely remember this day. @Devour and @Junior got hit pretty badly.


Power member.
It was a jacked account and it's a 1 letter OG Launch team members tag, it's like your punishment if you shoot the president > shoot a random person


Active Member
Wow, can't believe I missed all this shit :/ Sorry this happened even though it was a year ago haha.


User is banned.
Shadow said:
It was a jacked account and it's a 1 letter OG Launch team members tag, it's like your punishment if you shoot the president > shoot a random person

Damn, That's crazy, Did the owner of the tag F ban everyone on the FL her self? Did she like order or tell Xbox to do it?


Power member.
Mystics said:
Damn, That's crazy, Did the owner of the tag F ban everyone on the FL her self? Did she like order or tell Xbox to do it?

she most likely has contacts like Craig Evans, she probably called someone and they went to work.


User is banned.
Shadow said:
she most likely has contacts like Craig Evans, she probably called someone and they went to work.

Wow, That's bad, Shes an OG killer! lol,

Couldn't you guys have done something? That's kind of out of order people getting CB for adding a tag? Should of sued her ass haha :p