RE: Hylian Shield Award
I've beaten most of the Zelda games. Anything past Ocarina of Time, I've beat. Including the few on Gameboy Advance and GameCube. Sold my Wii U, which was fucking stupid on my part, but nothing was out at the time, so I can't play the remastered ones atm.
Greatest memory I've had playing Zelda was in my childhood years. My favorite uncle I've been playing Dark Souls 3 with sat me down and he'd pop in the catridge for Ocarina. He'd sit there and watch me fuck up, over and over until I figured it out. He only gave me one tip and that was to pay attention to the dialogue from the characters in order to find certain equipment I needed for the end game. Everything else, I had to figure out. Boss/Creature + combos/movements, etc. But at the end of the day, we got mad laughs in when I'd finally figure out how to beat the bosses, especially Morpha. The game actually crashed when I almost beat Morpha at one point and while I was pissed, he was pissing his pants.
I can't promise about being mature or respectful to anybody else.