i fall asleep in tclass :p


This is my major problem in attending class. Maybe my professor is boring or what. but what i want to know is how to avoid this...
Any suggestion from you guys. thanks
hahaha, i ever sleep when i'm in biology class. The teacher know that i always sleep late from my Yahoo Messenger, that's why i never add my teacher to Yahoo or facebook :p

i think you should sleep early ;)
I fell asleep many times in my class when i was still in c0llege.haha..so what i did was i drink c0ffee during breaktime.its effective.try it.0r try energy drink,they have this c0ntent that makes y0u alive.=)
lol I never falled sleep during the class, lucky me :D
haha. I've got the same problem. Here's what I do, I look at the window and focus my eyes on the sun.. If there's no sun, I get a piece of cloth, pour a little water on it, then I wipe my eyes. It kinda help me sometimes :)
Sleep early. Try not to get bored at school.
Energy drinks are good, but can lead to serious problems if you drink them too much. I'd say drink some coffee, or chew gum during the class. If neither of those help, exercise before the class, go for a nice jog to get your blood pumping.
Just make it your habbit to go to bed earlier. this will solve this problem for sure :p Atleast you should get 8 hours of night sleep in order to get up freshly. And i never experinced this sleeping thing in class. Don't know how you guys sleep during a class
There is a proverb in English that ''Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'' So just go to bed early and this will solve this problem without any hard work ;)
well when ever my lecturer gets bored i just try and eat some chocolates without his knowledge to keep me awake
well when ever my lecturer gets bored i just try and eat some chocolates without his knowledge to keep me awake

whenever your lecturer gets bored or you get bored? :p I have never slept in class room but some of my friends do sleeping during lectures without the fear of teacher
To avoid falling asleep in class, you'd better drink coffee. If it doesn't work, go to the rest room to wash your face. I hope it will help to solve your problem.
I think this will help fix your problem:
Try to create interest in those subjects which bore you. If you will succeed to create interest then you will never sleep in the classroom.
Did you already tried the stuff I posted at page 2, last post ?
Hahaha i can not give you an advice, because that is my problem too! LOL

Well most of us fall asleep if the subject gets boring even if wee have adequate sleep so the only way is to divert our attention in to an area which is interesting and day dream
As soon as I start studying Economics I fall asleep and that is annoying because I suck with Economics.