I got Fucked Over.

Well Last Night at 3am I got on Runescape to lure at ranged. Someone threatened to hack my account. I laughed then went to bed. I woke up today and went to school. I took my driving test and passed, but I got home and tried to get on RS and my account was taken. The password was changed and the email too. I recovies wont work and I lost about 150mil+. My friend is talking to the person on my account and he said he transfered all my money and stuff. I was gonna sell it and buy a green h'ween mask for myself and maybe a santa for my friend for V-Day. I am really upset. I lost my main. I will be playing on my other account. It's name is Vallic Pure. Also I am gonna try to get my 150m back.

Current Gold: 2m/150m

If you wanna donate it would be kind but it not required also you can post if you are supportive of my problem. I was playing with someone named Fabian yesterday and he can provide proof that I was on it. I hope to get it back. =(

What a bad day,
You don't need recoveries + an email to get your account back.

Just tell them the ISP you created your account on; all that info.
Well since it is locked, now Jagex might take your side. After all, you IP was on there for the longest, wasn't it?
I feel your pain man. I got scammed out of 100m by some guy who looked trusted and had vouches to back it up. Trust no one. Anyways good luck rebuilding.
Chewbaka said:
I feel your pain man. I got scammed out of 100m by some guy who looked trusted and had vouches to back it up. Trust no one. Anyways good luck rebuilding.

There are some people who fake vouches, you need to look at their vouche and see if THEY'RE trusted more than the person selling IMO.
Man... Bad Luck Try Whaling it helps you take off the nerves. [Runescape Whaling... Not japanese.]
Sorry to hear that, shit happens. You just so happened to step in it.
Make sure your account is more secure next time.
first of all you send in 1 recovery until you get a message and with all honesty if you provide your first pw, the old email, basically all the old info. You'll get the acc back within 30mins-1hr. atleast i do.
don't send in multiple recoveries becuz they will all be denied no matter if your info is rite.
Send 1 in and w8.
Ireppgold said:
There are some people who fake vouches, you need to look at their vouche and see if THEY'RE trusted more than the person selling IMO.

Yeah everything seemed too good to be true now that I look back. He also an admin of another forum that was semi active too :/
Who was the person who threatened you? do you remember?
i couldn't imagine loosing that much...that's a lot of time and money down the drain.
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