I hate you guys.


Power member.
You guys running around with VCCs acting like you are social engineering...

What's wrong with kids these days
aha, no doubt. Kiddies these days using there moms CC's to acquire VCC.. lmao.
Jimmy closed my thread because someone said VCC and said it was blackhat
Jimmy closed my thread because someone said VCC and said it was blackhat

Oh, LOL I saw that thread!
I sell VCCs though. ;p
this thread is true it gets me annoyed your not an SE'er if you se'd and xbox. try seing texas instrument theyll get you into some trouble
Lol oh boy you kids are so funny, the intelligence level on this forum... Kyle talks smack and gets hacked... So sit the fuck down Kyle and secure your shit before you talk.. As I recall u said something about fucking using your moms PayPal because u got hacked on yours and charged back.

People get there account hacked an you smash talk them because of it?

Kyle is a faggot, your a faggot, I'm a faggot... You guy know jack shit stop bitching
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