I just Nabbed two sweet gamertags

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Power member.
So I was just checking on gamertag Checker and I just nabbed two sweet GT's. One of them is a name of a movie and a very common word/term. The other is a cute little plural tag. I'm finding some goodies tonight. ^.^
I'm gonna see if I can snag some more beauties before the end of the night. Wish me luck guys.
If you don't message me these tags, I'm going to cry myself to sleep.
All that have asked have been PM'ed.
You can't just post this thread and then not say the tags, that's blasphemy!
PM me them!?
PM me the tags please. I'm interested!

Best of luck on the rest!
PM me too. Currently looking at a tag but still interested in others.
The main GT is @Sights*ers

Its not that great. If your interested in it then PM me. I'm closing this thread up..
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