I love FK so much.

Glitter Milk said:
How much for a spot in his group @Random?
You go first im trusted
No @Random, she's not trusted. SHE WILL SCAM YOU. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!

Satanism said:
I am sorry.

Would you rather me talk about the other time...?

Okay no, we can talk about this situation.
Glitter Milk said:
Wowowowwowo @day do you even fk bro, look at my rep im trusted.

You're a hacker, you hid our scam reports and your negative reps so hmm..
There's nothing not to love about Forum Korner. . .

. . .except @"Color". He's unlovable.
Jason said:
There's nothing not to love about Forum Korner. . .

. . .except @"Color". He's unlovable.

This thread was about Color, but let's just keep that on the low.
Oh no please, I don't want that, please no.
Satanism said:


And then there's @jason . Fuck.
Color said:
And then there's @jason . Fuck.

Remember what you said on Xbox? "I' was going to let you back in anyways"

Better pull through bruh

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]@S.dot+, @Sad*, @Salsa, @Sam, @Samus, @Sarcasm, @Satan*, @Satanism+ *, @Savaged, @scammedbyphilly, @Screams-, @Sean Price*, @Sega, Sell, @Senile, Seven-, @Sexual, Shift+*,@ Shock+, @sigh, @Siyark, @Skunk, @SL4TZ, @slay, @Sleep, @Smoker, @SN Shop, @Snatch, @Snicker, @Snowflake, @soakings, @Soldier*, @SOS, @Sovereign, @Sparda, @Spax, @Speakers, @Spiritz*, @Steelseries, @Sub-Zero, @Subsonic, @Suj,@Surface, @Sus*,@Swagy123, @Sweden,@Swish+, @Tail, @Takedown, @Tan, @Taunter, @TaZe, @Tempts, @Teridax, @The @Anarchy, @The SM Legend, @Tiger, @Tomb Raider, @Tortas, @Toured, @Towel, @Trap, @trapper, @Treasure, @Treats*, @Triad, @Trilogy*, @Trojan+*, @Trophix, @Troy, @Trustworthiness, @Tupac, @Twist, @Twisted*, @Twizzy, @Ty-, @UAE*, @Uneventful, @User, @USP.45, @Verdict, @Verm, @Via, @Vine, @Virgo, @VirusEU, @Viruz, @Voidal, @voltaic, @wall, @warn, @wash*, @WaterSpice, @Weapon, @Winter, @Wiz Khalifa, @Wizardry*, @Woke, @Womb, @Women, @Wwe*, @x2pacx, @XANAX, @xxmrrockxx, @Ycs, @ydobon*, @yeet, @Yertle, @Yeti+, @Yikes, @Yui, @Yushhhhh, @Zach, @Zackary, @Zelkyy, @Zeller, @Zeus[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]
So many people viewing this thread now LOL
u fkn wot m8 i swear on me mum

  • [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][*]The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 25 characters.
HAHAHAHHAHA the last part i could not stop laughing.
Wtf did I just watch, lol. I need to see this show
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