I Need a Favor


Power member.
I need a favor and it involves hack forums so pm me if you are l33t or ub3r. There may be a surprise for those that help me ;)
You still may be able to help. I'll let you know if I need you.
im also a l33t on HackForums :D
If everyone could post on this thread and say like Descent(NOT GR33D) is legit! and "He sold me "500k"(Make up some number on intervals of 100,000 up to 2 million) and stuff like that id love you all! cause for some reason my last thread got junked. If you do post please pm me so i can appreciate you!
Just posted on your thread! Welcome :D
I still need this done! And if you are ub3r or l33t then you can +rep me too if you want
Thanks for the help Quad! Im still in need of this so pm me if you can help!