I Need a Favor


Power member.
I need a favor and it involves hack forums so pm me if you are l33t or ub3r. There may be a surprise for those that help me
You still may be able to help. I'll let you know if I need you.
im also a l33t on HackForums
If everyone could post on this thread and say like Descent(NOT GR33D) is legit! and "He sold me "500k"(Make up some number on intervals of 100,000 up to 2 million) and stuff like that id love you all! cause for some reason my last thread got junked. If you do post please pm me so i can appreciate you!
Just posted on your thread! Welcome
I still need this done! And if you are ub3r or l33t then you can +rep me too if you want
Thanks for the help Quad! Im still in need of this so pm me if you can help!
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