So Im buying a tag of this dude from twitter and its a STEAL, but i dont want him to scam. If he sends me a paypal request and scams I can easily pull back the money right? or is it only if i send it as goods and services? I WONT PULL BACK IF IT GOES SMOOTH.. ONLY IF IT DOESNT
he actually went ahead and scammed me for $10 lmao, but I scared the shit out of him by freezing the money and threatening to ban the tag and he refunded me lmao
Matigo said:
If he is on ForumKorner, remember to get a PM onsite so if he does scam, you can get him banned.
he was selling the tag octane for $10, I was 90% sure it was a scam that's why I send as G&S to charge back if he did, but it's all good, I scared him and I got my money back