My Userbar Service:
Some samples that I made (1/23/2011). I don't know where I put my old ones.
Some user bars I did on another forum:
Remember what I said, I've gotten way better. It looks like low quality right? It's just that before I didn't upload it on PhotoBucket. Now I am.
I've gotten way better, do not worry.
In order to use:
Tell me if you want a logo or not.(insert the logo)
Dimensions (i.e 350 by 19)
Text Colour(s)
Background Colour(s)
(It would help if Renders were included in your post)
Text Location: (Right, Left, Center) (Default Left)
Render Location: (Right, Left, Center) (Default Right)
I think that's it.
Requests: (Pick up your Userbar here or in the "Quote Post") 2 a weekday. 4 a weekend. 3(friday)
If you want it done TODAY. There's a fee, $0.05. And I have to be on.
If you want it done on a certain date, that's not today(i.e 2 days due) and you're lower on this list. Fee= $0.01 points
Want your Userbar Resized? Tell me the dimensions and I'll be willing to do it for free. (You'll be re-put on the list)