NOW ALSO ACCEPTING PAYPAL! SUPER SALE! HALF PRICE! ONLY $5! BUY NOW! Also, please note that this will not work on the white screen that says hello in different languages.
By buying this product, you agree not to file a dispute if it does not work on said screen. If you
do not agree to this, do not buy this product. This method will only work on the screen depicted
in the thread design. You have been warned.
This is the METHOD meaning you can do it as many times as you please. Currently, there is a high demand for services like this and almost nobody is offering (and those who are offering charge $150+!) so you could make tons of $$$ simply off of craigslist. Supply and demand, my friend. Like nothing you've ever seen before! Can be done in minutes!
T.O.S. (Read before buying)
No refunds.
No chargebacks.
Don't leak the method.
I reserve the right to refuse a sale to any person. COMPATIBLE WITH ALL DEVICES!
No service issue afterwards.
Please vouch the thread after purchase! Also, don't leak the method (don't want it getting patched!).
If you have that lockscreen, it should work, tested it myself multiple times. If something goes wrong, I'll help you as much as I can (via Skype: impulserxn just contact me there). If I still can't find a solution, I'll issue a refund.
It works Just don't add a passcode afterwards and you'll be set. If you want to find out for yourself, feel free to buy. It's via PayPal so it's safe for both of us
It works Just don't add a passcode afterwards and you'll be set. If you want to find out for yourself, feel free to buy. It's via PayPal so it's safe for both of us