Icy Forums

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Signing up right now. Let's see how things go.
We moved hosts and are back. We've enabled both a Dark and Light theme. A new custom theme is being coded and should be ready soon.
Thanks for joining everyone. The custom theme will be done in a couple of days, and so will the new userbars.
We've some new userbars made by Astro. Also, we have reached around 2300 posts. We have an average activity of 400 posts daily and growing. We've been up for 5 days and this is our activity. Come check us out.

We shall be having a posting, referral and upgrade contest on Wednesday.
Going to go ahead and bump this.

Our members have made a total of 2,305 posts in 205 threads.
We currently have 75 members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, Forum
The most users online at one time was 39 on 07-17-2014 at 11:29 PM

The forum is doing great so far. We have new, custom userbars made by @"Astro", and our custom theme will be done soon.

If you haven't joined yet, click here. You won't regret it.
@kirby is my daddykins. Ice forums is my granddaddykin its amazing! Join or I'll hunt you down like a wolf with a piece of meat c:
That's great to hear Rambo. Hopefully we'll see you around.
Rambo said:
I love the theme of this forum. I plan on buying a group soon.

Glad you're enjoying it Things will only improve.
Just a reminder that only Omega members can but groups.
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