If i were to buy some auths ...


Onyx user!
Hey guys, just wondering ...

If i were to buy say an auth a week or something like that, would that be appreciated? If you felt like it too, a donation of $1 or something towards me purchasing the auths would be great (obviously after i've posted some).

I'd reissue the auths when banned and stuff because i'm pretty tired of waiting on other people to dump auths ..

Any ideas?
You could buy a iDungeon auth every week or month and Give it to a winner of a contest =)
That would be a pretty cool prize every one would like
But i'm talking about like a constant daily re-issue of auths ... And i'd constantly buy more given support from the community.

Yay or nay?
If only people weren't so greedy now-a-days, they'd probably take the auth and not even donate $1 yet alone say thanks.
Haha I'm not sorted about that, I can put post limits etc to stop some leechers ..

Not saying a donation would be compulsory just a suggestion if some wante ld to contribute and make things a bit easier for me :)
That would be greatly appreciated... I just don't know if they will still let you reissue after the 100th time though.
If you want to, do it... People will greatly appreciate it.......