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If there was a fire...


Active Member
Hi everyone.

I'd like to propose a scenario in order to see what everyone would do in this type of unpredictable event.

Just last week, I went to bed pretty late, about 2 AM. I started to hear someone walking around so I assumed it was my grandmother since she has trouble sleeping. So I get out of bed and find her in the kitchen, with all four stove-tops turned on to max. I turn them off and bring her back to bed and pull out all four knobs so that she can't do it again if she wakes up another time.

This past experience has made me very worried of the future. I'm worried that she'll find a way to set my house on fire lol so I 'd like to ask you all this question.

Hypothetical situation, your house caught on fire, whether it be during the night or day. Would you do what you've been taught in school and by firefighters and just flee. saving everyone or would you be an idiot and try to put out the fire and try to salvage everything in your home? I know this questions may come across as a no-brainer to some but I have a couple of friends that had done the smart thing and ran out and told me that there's no worse feeling in the world than waiting in the middle of street as you watch your house burn and hope the firefighters will stop it soon. Mainly because you could have done something to put it out but didn't. Some people will say "You did the right thing" and I know that it is but don't you think you'll feel compelled to save your house if think you can.

Of course, in order to answer this question, you'd need to know how big the fire is and how quickly it was spreading. But I can't provide more details to this scenario since I don't know much about it. In other words, if my house caught fire tomorrow morning, I wouldn't know how to tell apart a 'small' fire that should be put out as opposed to a 'big' one that you just need to run out of your home.

I'd like to know what you guys would do?


Active Member
Honestly, I would run out and get everything/one living out of the house.

as long as no one gets hurt, i'm fine.


That's rather scary that your grandmother got up and turned all of those on, I see how you could be scared living in that kind of an environment.

I guess just make sure nothing is blocking pathways or doors and make sure you know the path you are going to take incase of a fire.

Maybe if you have a window in your room and you are on the first floor that could be an option.


Active Member
I know a lot of people joke about this, but I would try to help my family, and then try to save my PS3, Wii, Laptop, and as many games as possible.


Onyx user!
I would deff save my family first, not matter what, then i'd grab my laptop, ipod and phone,

But that must have been scary to see her actually have all the hobs on,


Active Member
Ryu™ said:
I would deff save my family first, not matter what, then i'd grab my laptop, ipod and phone,

But that must have been scary to see her actually have all the hobs on,

The worst part is that I was lying in bed and fell asleep. Then I woke up an hour later or so because of sounds I was hearing. I assumed it was her walking around since she has trouble sleeping but I didn't expect her to have turned on the stove-tops so I was about to forget about it and try to fall back asleep. But then I said I should probably make sure she gets to bed. So I got up and went to check and I was , holy shit, thank god I got up.


Active Member
I would save my family, simply because I could hardly live without them. I love every one of them very much, and to see one die slowly in front of my eyes, thats pure torture.