If there was a reset..

‌‪‌‪‌‪‌‪Murder said:
If every single inactive account got reset, what would you take?

I'd take; Dream, Create, Avatar, Deep & Bright.

Keep the trend going.​

I would get; This, Thread, Is, Fucking, gay. Those are mine :p
Slime and Warp
Maybe Silent
Faith, Lust, Heaven, Desire, Hope, Love & all of the Eeveelutions.
I would've said 'Scare' but he's active.
Eevee said:
Faith, Lust, Heaven, Desire, Hope, Love & all of the Eeveelutions.
I would've said 'Scare' but he's active.

I use to own Lust =)

I would get Anthony again and hopefully it wont get erased again lol.
Notorious’ said:
I would take Notorious, Transform, or David ;)

Notorious and Transform aren't V1's.

Anyway i'd go for Obey & Summon.
I'd go for Satan, Demon, Satanist, Sinister, Hell and Sin.
Eevee said:
Faith, Lust, Heaven, Desire, Hope, Love & all of the Eeveelutions.
I would've said 'Scare' but he's active.

You'll never get Love.
Richard aka Villain's girlfriend, Greed, owns Love spaced out.

Mechanic said:
I'd go for Satan, Demon, Satanist, Sinister, Hell and Sin.

Demon has been deleted.
Satan is inactive and banned.
Satanist is inactive.
Sinister is inactive.
Sin is inactive.
And everybody knows about hell.
Well obviously some asshole named THilo has Jerry so I would want DeMoN.
Bloody, Claw, Obey, and Gone
Bright Crew Honor and Pace sexyyy tags :p