If you believe in God, why?


Onyx user!
Simple question, that I would like to see the answer you have to.

You were raised to believe, you have felt God, what?
Personally I was a christian about a year and a half ago, but then I started learning about scientific things like astronomy, I started searching the internet, and educating myself with an open mind, now I can proudly say I am an atheist, it was very hard for me to come to this point, because I too was indoctrinated into a faith fueled by fear.
I realized my answer was short and I sounded like an asshole.

I'll give a more honest opinion, I have never believed.. honestly, even when I was 11 years old and our school done Religious classes I'd get sent out for over-questioning the teachers answers. The whole idea of Jesus seemed ridiculous and scared me, I used to sit up at night questioning it. Funny because I believed in Santa up until 12 but Jesus, no.

I remember arguing in just about every RE class in high school here in UK about it, I eventually got in to music from the 70's and 80's the more controversial side and heard them talk about how ridiculous religion was, This kind of helped add fuel to the fire I was spreading all over these believers that used to argue with me and have an answer for everything, The best part is it turned out our actual RE teacher was an atheist just doing her job of talking about the bible lmao.

I believe there might be something, I mean agnostics have good points they believe there might be something. I personally am just an atheist though, Not in an edgy irrational way more in the state that I feel so free.

I find it funny when a christian does something terrible and says ''god forgave me'' so they no longer feel guilty or the people they hurt (that are also believers) forgive them.. Then there is us normal people that has to deal with our fucking problems like normal people.
none of you have any fucking clue so it's very ignorant to choose sides
My view on our world is always the same and I have no clue if there's a definition for it already but here it goes

If there's a god who created him? and who created his creators creator and so on

If science is true, where did it come from and then how did that come to be and how did THAT come to be and then HOW did that create that and so on, how did we come to this from nothing?

My personal view on this is that we have a creator , like were a little experiment under the microscope . 
Its something that we simply can not fathom , another dimension perhaps, do you think bacteria are aware of us?

But you know what, we have to enjoy what is happening right now. The present

And if I do end up going to hell or whatever it is , how could the creator blame me for the brain he gave me and the thoughts that ensued.

The milky way is massive, I think we were created out of pure luck. 

But wait, what if.. wait for it..

what if we're a little earth to a massive space of other form of humans that created us to test out cancers/illness' on us and our 50-80 year life span is a mere few weeks to them1!!11!11
I think that religion as a whole was simply invented in a time when simple tricks meant you were magic, so some man named <insert religious figure> stepped in and did some card tricks to get the spot as head faith people.

to be vague; religion is likely a prank gone wrong.

This was very well said. Science can tell us how, but science can not tell us why.

I myself am an existentialist, I am my own reality.
Anyone else remember when @Michael would post a 12 page essay for these threads
Because it gives people hope and something to live for.
But honestly I don't believe there is a almighty omnipotent god who would care so much about what you wear and what you do.
This is a difficult topic to discuss and will be one unanswered for the reset of eternity.

But its just highly odd that god created us just in order for us to die and go to heaven or hell when if he is so omnipotent he would know our future....
I just don't see the ideology and concept behind god.
Not going to preach.

Belief? Why not.

I'd much rather go out having faith then not. What is there to lose?

Believing in God doesn't mean I bash the bible, attend church religiously.

The positivity outweighs the negativity. I've lost people close, that chance to reunite based on mere belief seems to me a winner.

End of the day, If when I die I perish to dust, no continuation, what has been lost?

The loss is wasting your precious time and life believing a petty falsehood.

To assume this, is to assume your god is dumb enough to fall for your stupid-ass insurance plan. It also assumes your particular god and sect to be real and discards all other possible god and sect combinations despite the equivalent amount of evidence between them all.


Because there is just so much time taken in day to day life, belief at that too, just like that of awakening, soon after, breakfast, then maybe I'll think, believe its time to shit then shower.

Catch my drift?

Mere thought of, what if is all.

Nothing serial killer, I can say fuck creed too, but at the end of the day I'll stand on the basis of why not, nothing lost, nothing gained, or just, everything gained.

It's not very clear what you're saying for me. Are you trying to equate the 'belief' in morning routines with god and their judgment? It doesn't make sense.

I've very transparently manifested how unreliable and unlikely your argument is. You can't rely on this argument because your likelihood of being right is equivalent of that to anyone who believes in the flying spaghetti monster, Mormon theology, Ra, Thor, some fucking rock or garbage can or literally whoever or whatever. And as I've stated before, it assumes your god is dumb enough to let you get into their firmament with your half-assed plan to get in.

And there is much to be lost. Dignity and truth to name a couple. If you believed in something unbeneficial, ludicrous, irrational, and completely nonsensical, wouldn't you try to purge it from your psyche?
I believe in god because I have gained friends and nothing negative out of it. It makes me happy and I enjoy worshipping it. When I go to a huge christian event every year called D-Now I can feel his presence in the room. Like I have moments where I felt like god or something took control of me and i will just break down crying. I don't push my religion on others just because they don't believe in it. I say let them believe in whatever they want to. But personally, I am a Baptist.
This was a lesson we recently went over in my youth group..

Question is: If someone asked you, "Why do you go to church and or believe in god?" What would you say...

Answer: Most people say something like, "I was raised in church, or I had the drug disease where I was drug to church every time they had session."

But why? The answer why in religion is hard. Beliefs are not visible.

Personally I believe in God. Yes, I sin. We all sin. Everyone sins. But only he can cleanse them.. Only he can give you that feeling of presence.
I think religion was created for the hopeless to have hope in something.
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