If your looking for a GT post here! (Read Discription)

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RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

im looking for the gt Spice... oh wait a guy on fk has it but scams
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Target said:
im looking for the gt Spice... oh wait a guy on fk has it but scams

He would never sell spice anyways that's his best tag
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Shot said:
Looking for the gamertags:

S h 0 t
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Hiro Nakamura
1. S h 0 t: Inactive.
2. Sylar: Was last online, around the time of Halo Reach... Don't have a set date on when he was last online though.
4.Joe: Last online, Fri, 04 May 2012, But if you look at his friend list, he has a whole bunch of people from this site. https://live.xbox.com/en-US/Friends?gamertag=Joe
5.Hero: Last online, Thu, 27 Dec 2012. Just message him bro.
6.Dean Winchester:Last online, Sat, 10 Mar 2007.
7.Sam Winchester:Last online, Sat, 03 Apr 2010.
8.Hiro Nakamura: Very active, he's online right now... Try messaging him.

Sorry can't be any more help, never seen any of these tags go up on the market..

Sweetner said:
Who owns the banned tag Add, Creation, and Founder ??
Last I saw, Founder was owned by user Relentless, if not him, Cole might.

Add: Nothing on Add, sorry bro.. Last online, Sun, 15 Apr 2012.

Creation:Same guy who owns GT: Delicious..

That's all the information I could rake up on these tags, Sorry..
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

the gt Add is owned by thegodfather im pretty sure
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Agent said:
the gt Add is owned by thegodfather im pretty sure

Yo I pm'd you I want to ask you something

Does anyone know who owns the tags
Everytime I message them they don't respond and I do know MTV is banned.
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Anyone a idea if anyone on this forum owns "Escalade"? Its not a v1, but has only old ass games played on it like cod2 n nba 2006...
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Shot said:
Looking for the gamertags:


Jailbroke sold it to Reaper aka Apostle around March-Aprilish. One of them tried to swap it a day after the deal (Reaper put up a scam report against Jailbroke) and it of course got turboed. Then it was repeatedly swapped and turboed until it got banned like a week later.
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

I'm looking for a three character gt staring with the letter D, also the gamertag "Dwell" PM if you can help.
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Serene, do you know who has Soccer? I believe it's banned, but I thought someone on here or hf owns it.
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Diamonds said:
I want:
s Q

If anyone has them hmu!
the user restore had diamonds but it got banned idk if he still has it
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

I am looking for the owner of V50 , as I am interested in buying this tag if the owner is willing to sell it.
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

i want the gamertag
Apostle or MX
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Kiwi said:
Serene, do you know who has Soccer? I believe it's banned, but I thought someone on here or hf owns it.
Nah bro, Never seen it on the market either, But it was last online,
Tue, 11 Dec 2012, He has a Gold Membership so I don't know if he's banned or not.. But I don't think he is.

It would be a great help, if other members try to help out aswell. Like Cannibal, he helped out with M X, and Apostle.
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Kid cudi a v1 that's weird haha he wasn't that big what so ever back then I guess Someone on the underground loves him he is excellent tho
RE: If your searching for a certain GT post here!

Does anybody know who has Base ball or Pitching Or Shortstop
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