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IG for IG


User is banned.
Got a couple of pretty decent Pokemon IG's that i'm wanting to trade for another IG, Hit me up. I'm not providing seperate proof to a Mod, If anyone needs proof for any of the IG's, It'll be on this thread, Not aiming anyone or PM'ing seperate proof, Deal with it.

Crawdaunt (#342)
- http://gyazo.com/7c64080ce28428fa42312948ad0b76d7

Claydol (#344)
- http://gyazo.com/19feeeb1677266e75449486d6c14480b

Virizion (#640)
- http://gyazo.com/358046be9be2d5c079bfc30a0bba701a

Will update OP with more if i get any.