[Illest Giveaway] Onyx Upgrade

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Hey guys, Prevent here, the owner of the group illest.
I'm doing a upgrade giveaway hosted by my group!

I'm selecting one member to get upgraded to Onyx.

NOTE: I'm buying the upgrade with Koins

Do you want to enter a chance of being upgraded?
Fill out this application and hope to get picked

[u][b]Why should you be upgraded to Onyx?[/b][/u]:
[u][b]What have you contributed to the FK community?[/b][/u]:
[u][b]What do you think of the illest group?[/b][/u]:
[u][b]What would you like to see from the illest group?[/b][/u]:
[u][b]Do you love me?[/b][/u]:
[u][b]Have you ever farted out load in school?[/b][/u]:

Good luck to all!
Good luck to everyone ! I would have entered but I'm already upgraded to Onyx.
Why should you be upgraded to Onyx?: I'm Junior
What have you contributed to the FK community?: Advice on how not to be a fucking idiot.
What do you think of the illest group?: Pretty ill.
Why would you like to see from the illest group?: More ill members.
Do you love me?: Not at all.
Have you ever farted out load in school?: All the time.
can we apply to power? or its onyx only.
I bought Onyx with koins, can I apply since my onyx will expire?
Ariana said:
I bought Onyx with koins, can I apply since my onyx will expire?
I'm buying the Upgrade with koins..
So... idk
Why should you be upgraded to Onyx?:Because I love this site, I've not been able to contribute a lot lately because of school work but now that it's all out of the way I can't wait to get into this site even more.
What have you contributed to the FK community?:I've helped out a few members and made friends with a lot more. As for the community as a whole? I enjoy giving advice to those who need it and helping people with sales.
What do you think of the illest group?retty damn sexy if you ask me.
What would you like to see from the illest group?:More of what they're doing. I can't really see anything wrong to be honest.
Do you love me?:I love you like a fat kid loves cake. I don't think the feeling is mutual though.
Have you ever farted out load in school?:Sadly.. T'was a painful day. It's terrible when everyone turns to look at you in shame.
Why should you be upgraded to Onyx?:
What have you contributed to the FK community?:
What do you think of the illest group?:
What would you like to see from the illest group?:
Do you love me?:
Have you ever farted out load in school?:
Why should you be upgraded to Onyx?:Cause.
What have you contributed to the FK community?:Stuff.
What do you think of the illest group?:Eh.
What would you like to see from the illest group?:Nothing.
Do you love me?:Na.
Have you ever farted out load in school?:That's a stupid question.
Why should you be upgraded to Onyx?: Why not?
What have you contributed to the FK community?: My Virginity
What do you think of the illest group?: It's motherfucking ill!
What would you like to see from the illest group?: More giveaways
Do you love me?: Like a love my mom
Have you ever farted out load in school?: hell yea!
Wow what a great illest leader giving away and upgrade. Members in illest that aren'y upgraded yet you need to take these oppurtunites.
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