I'm about to get swatted


This person has my location, phone numbers and all and he said he will swat me if i don't get him a OG GT that's worth $500 - $600 before tomorrow. If you can give me a OG GT to give to him, then I will reward you nicely. I have $0 in my PayPal ATM.

Please help.

C'mon guys, please
Edit: Nvm seems like your just trying to get a free og.
LOL cu.

Don't be a bitch, Let him swat you.
youve done nothing wrong.
MinecraftGeek said:
I have the OG tag God, I'll let this go for you Dunk for free watch out for turboers.
Don't worry bro, i'm just gonna "give" him the account so he doesn't swat me. ooo nooo. ty alot for this man!

Anymore tags? He said he'll swat me for a month straight if i don't more tags for him, help plsss
Shut up faggot < replaced for friend because of the FK filter. -.-
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