I was talking to Conversation about trading tags because he had offered (deal he gave me below) the convo went on to be very misleading and he changed the deal completely. He then negative rep'd me by 10 saying that I wasted his time,
proof of that here:
when he told me to either trade him or get reported as a scammer.
Proof of that is here:
Deal he told me: Conversation and $100MP for Factory(he goes first)
Full conversation here:
His FK Username: Moon
Please help me out, I think I'm being treated unfairly by high-rep'd users.
Thanks to:
proof of that here:
when he told me to either trade him or get reported as a scammer.
Proof of that is here:
Deal he told me: Conversation and $100MP for Factory(he goes first)
Full conversation here:
[9:47:22 PM] Legitimate: I can trade you Conversation
[9:47:28 PM] Legitimate: + like 100 for your tag
[9:47:39 PM] Factory: so wait
[9:47:41 PM] Factory: would it be in the middle like
[9:47:47 PM] Factory: conversation > factory > 100 bcucks MP?
[9:47:51 PM] Legitimate: ?
[9:48:04 PM] Legitimate: No I can do it all
[9:48:10 PM] Legitimate: Conversation + 100 then Factory
[9:48:20 PM] Factory: u sure? no meeting in the middle?
[9:48:26 PM] Legitimate: nah dude
[9:48:28 PM] Legitimate: i trust you
[9:48:31 PM] Factory: i like u lol
[9:48:31 PM] Factory: your easy to go by
[9:48:35 PM] Legitimate:
[9:48:41 PM] Legitimate: Because I got like 500 todaty
[9:48:42 PM] Legitimate: today*
[9:48:49 PM] Legitimate: selling kindles
[9:49:03 PM] Legitimate: so wanna do this
[9:49:15 PM] Factory: i suck at securing gmertags but like
[9:49:19 PM] Factory: is there anyway we could like
[9:49:24 PM] Factory: tag swap for conversation
[9:49:25 PM] Factory: or i can put it on a silver
[9:49:31 PM] Factory: so its made under my info or whatever
[9:49:33 PM] Legitimate: wait what?
[9:49:40 PM] Legitimate: I'm not gonna scam you..
[9:49:42 PM] Legitimate: lol..
[9:49:43 PM] Legitimate: i'm trusted..
[9:49:43 PM] Factory: the whole account or?
[9:49:44 PM] Factory: how are u giving conversation to me
[9:49:47 PM] Factory: yeah ik
[9:49:49 PM] Legitimate: the whole account
[9:49:59 PM] Legitimate: 15th on mw3
[9:50:03 PM] Legitimate: 15th on black ops
[9:50:08 PM] Legitimate: oh wait nvm
[9:50:11 PM] Factory: isnt convo under ur legit info cuz u put a lot of names on it hah p
[9:50:13 PM] Legitimate: that's my other account that's 15th on bo
[9:50:20 PM] Legitimate: yea it's my info
[9:50:27 PM] Factory: ik ur trusted
[9:50:31 PM] Factory: but just as a security issue
[9:50:35 PM] Factory: could u help me secure it
[9:50:38 PM] Legitimate: sure
[9:50:41 PM] Factory: for my own retardism
[9:50:44 PM] Factory: lol thanks
[9:50:44 PM] Legitimate: yeah np
[9:50:52 PM] Factory: i really like u for some reason
[9:50:55 PM] Legitimate:
[9:50:57 PM] Factory: ur chill and easy to go by
[9:51:02 PM] Legitimate: everybody does
[9:51:03 PM] Legitimate: ya dig?
[9:51:04 PM] Legitimate: lol
[9:51:06 PM] Factory: lol
[9:51:10 PM] Factory: u always say that
[9:51:20 PM] Legitimate: say what
[9:51:34 PM] Factory: YA DIG??????????
[9:52:04 PM] Legitimate: k so lets do this?
[9:52:20 PM] Factory: I DIG
[9:52:20 PM] Factory: lol
[9:52:47 PM] Factory: laaaag
[9:53:55 PM] Legitimate: ok?
[9:54:49 PM] Legitimate: hy
[9:55:18 PM] Factory: k on my good computer mine or ur connections suckk
[9:55:38 PM] Legitimate: lol
[9:55:39 PM] Legitimate: yea
[9:56:04 PM] Legitimate: yo
[9:56:11 PM] Factory: k uhm
[9:56:28 PM] Legitimate: ?
[9:56:33 PM] Factory: i want to see where i go
[9:56:36 PM] Factory: to redeem moneypak
[9:56:49 PM] Legitimate: u on pp
[9:56:52 PM] Factory: ya
[9:56:57 PM] Legitimate: click add money
[9:57:09 PM] Factory: k
[9:57:20 PM] Legitimate: and then click mp
[9:57:39 PM] Factory: wait noa dd money
[9:57:40 PM] Factory: it says
[9:57:43 PM] Factory: add funds?
[9:57:46 PM] Legitimate: no add money
[9:58:05 PM] Legitimate: oh yeah add funds
[9:58:07 PM] Legitimate: and then mp
[9:58:17 PM] Factory: http://gyazo.com/4b9f9d46aec1b64ea619b09e8c797873
[9:58:36 PM] Legitimate: add funds
[9:58:46 PM] Factory: http://gyazo.com/1956f042d8f5ff9b004e41b2faa3f59a
[9:59:03 PM] Legitimate: omfg
[9:59:04 PM] Factory: (worry)
[9:59:05 PM] Legitimate: let me tv ypou
[9:59:06 PM] Legitimate: you*
[9:59:09 PM] Factory: im canadian
[9:59:13 PM] Factory: thats why most likely?
[9:59:15 PM] Legitimate: oh that's why!
[9:59:18 PM] Factory:
[9:59:20 PM] Factory: so u have to add it
[9:59:20 PM] Legitimate: I'll just send paypal as gift?
[9:59:25 PM] Factory: then u have to send it
[9:59:28 PM] Legitimate: deal
[9:59:30 PM] Factory: as payment owed apparently
[9:59:32 PM] Factory: thats safer
[9:59:33 PM] Factory: or somethin
[9:59:38 PM] Legitimate: ok
[9:59:41 PM] Legitimate: whatever you want
[10:00:07 PM] Factory: k so
[10:00:12 PM] Factory: im always so nervous in trades
[10:00:16 PM] Factory: but im not going first
[10:00:18 PM] Legitimate: don't worry!
[10:00:19 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:00:19 PM] Factory: and im still nervos
[10:00:20 PM] Legitimate: ik that..
[10:00:26 PM] Factory: okay uhm
[10:00:32 PM] Factory: let me remove the recoveries
[10:00:35 PM] Factory: off factory or whatevr
[10:00:40 PM] Factory: k
[10:00:44 PM] Legitimate: no?
[10:00:47 PM] Legitimate: I'm not taking the account..
[10:00:47 PM] Factory: oh wait
[10:00:48 PM] Factory: yeah
[10:00:48 PM] Legitimate: i said that..
[10:00:50 PM] Factory: im changing it
[10:00:51 PM] Factory: LOL
[10:00:54 PM] Legitimate: It's on your console so it can be easily recovered
[10:01:09 PM] Factory: hm that makes me weird cuz
[10:01:12 PM] Factory: couldnt u do the same?
[10:01:21 PM] Legitimate: I can swap if you'd like
[10:01:49 PM] Factory: hm
[10:01:53 PM] Factory: wait
[10:01:54 PM] Legitimate: I'm trusted dude!
[10:01:55 PM] Legitimate: 120 rep!
[10:01:56 PM] Legitimate: power
[10:01:57 PM] Factory: we could do it this way
[10:01:59 PM] Legitimate: and like 6 awards
[10:01:59 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:02:00 PM] Factory: like i could wait
[10:02:00 PM] Factory: hm
[10:02:01 PM] Factory: Lol
[10:02:05 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:02:13 PM] Legitimate: i'm not gonna fucking scam you
[10:02:16 PM] Factory: im really slow
[10:02:20 PM] Legitimate: i have 8 legit vouches
[10:02:20 PM] Factory: so i take time -.- lol
[10:02:21 PM] Legitimate: stop stressing
[10:02:31 PM] Factory: k
[10:02:32 PM] Factory: can u swap
[10:02:34 PM] Factory: conversation
[10:02:45 PM] Legitimate: Yes.
[10:02:51 PM] Factory: k would i just take the account
[10:02:53 PM] Factory: on factory
[10:02:56 PM] Legitimate: huh
[10:02:58 PM] Factory: then u take factory
[10:03:00 PM] Factory: like
[10:03:04 PM] Factory: u change conversation
[10:03:11 PM] Legitimate: OH hell no
[10:03:11 PM] Factory: i redeem that name on the factory account
[10:03:14 PM] Legitimate: that's fucking sketcht
[10:03:19 PM] Legitimate: sketchy*
[10:03:22 PM] Factory: how do u want to do it
[10:03:23 PM] Legitimate: i already agreed going first
[10:03:24 PM] Factory: Lloafkl
[10:03:34 PM] Factory: k wait
[10:03:38 PM] Factory: so it would be better if
[10:03:39 PM] Legitimate: Why not just take conversation and change wlid
[10:03:42 PM] Legitimate: it's unable to get back then
[10:03:54 PM] Factory: does convo has msp on it?
[10:04:04 PM] Legitimate: 680
[10:04:11 PM] Factory: hm
[10:04:21 PM] Factory: i guess i could
[10:04:26 PM] Factory: just so much thinking
[10:04:29 PM] Factory: i had factory for awhile now
[10:04:32 PM] Legitimate: Not really?
[10:04:33 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:04:34 PM] Factory: ik
[10:04:37 PM] Legitimate: you could buy a way better tag
[10:04:39 PM] Legitimate: for that money
[10:04:42 PM] Legitimate: i just love factory
[10:04:43 PM] Factory: but my head breaks it up into a billion peices
[10:04:53 PM] Legitimate: :/
[10:04:55 PM] Factory: k
[10:04:58 PM] Legitimate: stop worrying
[10:04:59 PM] Factory: are u going to
[10:05:02 PM] Factory: remove the emails and backups on
[10:05:04 PM] Factory: conversation
[10:05:06 PM] Factory: then let me go on it
[10:05:06 PM] Legitimate: yes there is none
[10:05:08 PM] Factory: or whatever
[10:05:17 PM] Factory: k but if u already change the wlid
[10:05:23 PM] Factory: then i cant change for another 30 days
[10:05:23 PM] Factory: or?
[10:05:25 PM] Legitimate: I didn't.
[10:05:27 PM] Factory: something like that
[10:05:31 PM] Legitimate: It's been mine for over 4 months
[10:05:34 PM] Legitimate: never changed
[10:05:34 PM] Factory: okay ukno whatever i trust u
[10:05:36 PM] Legitimate: stop worrying
[10:05:37 PM] Factory: lets just do it
[10:05:40 PM] Factory: lol ik sry
[10:05:43 PM] Legitimate: we already did a deal
[10:05:44 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:05:45 PM] Factory: how muchy livetime on convo?
[10:05:47 PM] Legitimate: i'm legit right?
[10:05:50 PM] Factory: yaya
[10:05:54 PM] Legitimate: until 2/13
[10:06:02 PM] Factory: noice
[10:06:06 PM] Legitimate: ye
[10:06:07 PM] Factory: factory has another month+ on it
[10:06:09 PM] Factory: i know that
[10:06:14 PM] Legitimate: omg
[10:06:20 PM] Legitimate: i don't want the acc!
[10:06:21 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:06:22 PM] Factory: is that bad
[10:06:23 PM] Factory: omg
[10:06:24 PM] Factory: sorry
[10:06:26 PM] Factory: im so dumb
[10:06:27 PM] Factory: LOl
[10:06:27 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:06:39 PM] Factory: k
[10:06:42 PM] Factory: im actually
[10:06:44 PM] Factory: the slowest kid
[10:06:48 PM] Legitimate: lmaoooo
[10:06:51 PM] Legitimate: so let's do this man
[10:06:51 PM] Factory: okay so
[10:06:56 PM] Factory: u will have to send me the money
[10:06:58 PM] Factory: seperately
[10:07:01 PM] Factory: afterwards i guess
[10:07:08 PM] Legitimate: huh
[10:07:12 PM] Factory: cuz i acnt redeem
[10:07:13 PM] Factory: mp
[10:07:18 PM] Legitimate: oh ya ik
[10:07:59 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:08:33 PM] Factory: okay
[10:08:54 PM] Legitimate: okay
[10:08:55 PM] Legitimate: so?
[10:08:57 PM] Factory: okay
[10:08:59 PM] Factory: lets do disssssss
[10:09:03 PM] Legitimate: kk
[10:09:26 PM] Factory: okay
[10:09:30 PM] Legitimate:
[10:09:30 PM] Factory: u start howver
[10:09:33 PM] Factory: it needs to be started
[10:09:35 PM] Factory: idk
[10:09:48 PM] Legitimate: It's kinda sketchy that you haven't swapped the gt before i send money
[10:09:54 PM] Legitimate: it's kinda a hint you're gonns scam me..
[10:09:56 PM] Legitimate: gonna*
[10:10:05 PM] Factory: wait what i didnt understand that line
[10:10:12 PM] Legitimate: how we doing this
[10:10:25 PM] Factory: u said u'd go first so m waiting on your go
[10:10:34 PM] Factory: cuz i dont want to push it and make myself look like a scam or whatever
[10:10:55 PM] Legitimate: I'm not sending the money until it's on a fresh silver. Because it's kinda sketchy and it's like saying oh hey lemme scam you
[10:11:03 PM] Factory: k so
[10:11:06 PM] Factory: do it like i said
[10:11:16 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:11:21 PM] Factory: conversation > factory(once u have it all okay) > $100?
[10:11:26 PM] Legitimate: Omg
[10:11:29 PM] Legitimate: I just said..
[10:11:33 PM] Factory: oooh
[10:11:40 PM] Factory: u want factory to be on a fresh silver?
[10:11:41 PM] Legitimate: I'm not swapping my tag first. I'm swapping after.
[10:11:44 PM] Legitimate: OMG
[10:11:45 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:11:48 PM] Legitimate: SERIOUSLY?
[10:11:49 PM] Factory: k
[10:11:49 PM] Legitimate: YES
[10:11:50 PM] Legitimate: HAHAHA
[10:11:51 PM] Factory: im so lost
[10:11:59 PM] Factory: sfhvgdhkassdf
[10:12:00 PM] Legitimate: you're making me really mad
[10:12:06 PM] Legitimate: this is taking ages.
[10:12:06 PM] Factory: your making me confused
[10:12:06 PM] Factory: lol
[10:12:13 PM] Factory: k
[10:12:15 PM] Factory: explain in detail
[10:12:17 PM] Factory: how its all going
[10:12:19 PM] Factory: pls
[10:12:21 PM] Legitimate: Ok
[10:12:41 PM] Legitimate: You're swapping Factory. I'm sending money and conversation info. You send Factory info
[10:12:42 PM] Legitimate: simple.
[10:12:54 PM] Factory: now it makes my brina think that
[10:12:59 PM] Factory: u could be waiting to take factiory
[10:13:03 PM] Factory: not saying u r
[10:13:05 PM] Legitimate: I DON'T TURBO
[10:13:06 PM] Factory: im just thinking like
[10:13:07 PM] Legitimate: HOLY SHIT.
[10:13:12 PM] Legitimate: I'M TRUSTED ON FK
[10:13:18 PM] Legitimate: I'VE NEVER SCAMMED NOR TURBO
[10:13:19 PM] Factory: ik
[10:13:19 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:13:27 PM] Legitimate: we did a deal!
[10:13:29 PM] Legitimate: fucking chill!
[10:13:35 PM] Legitimate: It was legit and you went first? remember?
[10:13:47 PM] Factory: k
[10:13:48 PM] Factory: let me o
[10:13:50 PM] Legitimate: You're stressing
[10:13:51 PM] Factory: turn on my xbox
[10:14:17 PM] Legitimate: ok
[10:15:37 PM] Factory: omg this is going to make u more mad
[10:15:40 PM] Factory: LOOOOOl
[10:15:46 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:15:50 PM] Factory: i dont even have enough
[10:15:53 PM] Factory: to change my gamertag
[10:15:55 PM] Factory: lmfao
[10:15:56 PM] Legitimate: enough what
[10:15:59 PM] Factory: msp
[10:16:02 PM] Legitimate: omfg.
[10:16:05 PM] Factory: i got
[10:16:05 PM] Legitimate: ask your mom or something
[10:16:10 PM] Legitimate: to use her cc
[10:16:16 PM] Factory: its not like that becuase
[10:16:25 PM] Factory: 1st off my parents would never let me they're jews
[10:16:29 PM] Factory: and the account itself
[10:16:31 PM] Factory: is UK
[10:16:40 PM] Factory: so its even gayer
[10:16:43 PM] Factory: i have to buy online
[10:16:51 PM] Legitimate: what the fuck...
[10:17:10 PM] Factory: i bought Texas Hold'em Poker for 800msp on the weekend
[10:17:15 PM] Factory: :%
[10:17:30 PM] Legitimate: dude what the fuck..
[10:17:34 PM] Factory: what?
[10:17:36 PM] Legitimate: you're trying to scam me
[10:17:37 PM] Legitimate: i knew it
[10:17:42 PM] Factory: u wanna see
[10:17:44 PM] Factory: the msp
[10:17:45 PM] Factory: or the account
[10:17:48 PM] Factory: i dont gett it
[10:17:57 PM] Factory: u dont have to trade me then!! dont assume that pleeeeeeeeeease
[10:18:07 PM] Legitimate: wow dude
[10:18:08 PM] Factory: im just being caucious
[10:18:12 PM] Legitimate: i really wanted this tag..
[10:18:12 PM] Factory: i dont wanna do this cuz
[10:18:15 PM] Legitimate: I knew you were.
[10:18:19 PM] Factory: now its in that awkward position
[10:18:26 PM] Legitimate: because you're on mw2
[10:18:31 PM] Legitimate: so therefore you can't check msp
[10:18:32 PM] Factory: im not on mw2????
[10:18:41 PM] Legitimate: YES?
[10:18:44 PM] Factory: oh yeah im siged in upstairs
[10:18:47 PM] Factory: skype webcam??? Lol
[10:18:56 PM] Legitimate: how many you have
[10:19:03 PM] Factory: xboxes?
[10:19:03 PM] Factory: 3
[10:19:06 PM] Legitimate: no
[10:19:07 PM] Legitimate: msp
[10:19:07 PM] Factory: living room
[10:19:09 PM] Factory: oh
[10:19:12 PM] Factory: gyazo on xbox.com
[10:19:17 PM] Legitimate: k
[10:20:08 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:20:29 PM] Factory: i cant isgnin
[10:20:30 PM] Factory: wtf
[10:20:31 PM] Factory: hold on
[10:20:34 PM] Factory: this is bad on my end
[10:20:38 PM] Factory: okay there sry i got scared for asec
[10:20:56 PM] Legitimate: k
[10:20:58 PM] Factory: gyazo loading
[10:21:01 PM] Factory: http://gyazo.com/a4d5aaa566932e6ca0f370941c743e8c
[10:21:02 PM] Factory: there
[10:21:23 PM] Legitimate: there's nothing in it..
[10:21:28 PM] Legitimate: oh 280
[10:21:38 PM] Factory: i just feel like
[10:21:39 PM] Legitimate: well just buy some
[10:21:40 PM] Factory: ur mad at me now
[10:21:41 PM] Legitimate: i wanted this tag so bad
[10:21:43 PM] Legitimate:
[10:21:45 PM] Factory: and this trade is gunna be abuout anger
[10:21:48 PM] Factory: and i feel unsafe lol
[10:21:54 PM] Legitimate: wtf/
[10:21:55 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:21:59 PM] Factory: sorry idk wat to doooo
[10:22:05 PM] Legitimate: buy msp..
[10:22:13 PM] Factory: $5 on paypal
[10:22:14 PM] Factory: not much i can buy
[10:22:22 PM] Legitimate: 400
[10:22:26 PM] Factory: and i know u want me to put it on something else but
[10:22:30 PM] Factory: convo is under ur info
[10:22:38 PM] Factory: factory is from some uk kid who gave it to me last year
[10:22:40 PM] Factory: and idk
[10:22:47 PM] Legitimate: wow.
[10:22:50 PM] Legitimate: people told me you were
[10:22:50 PM] Factory: its 800 to change, no?
[10:22:55 PM] Legitimate: yes it is
[10:23:03 PM] Factory: 280 + 400 is 680?
[10:23:04 PM] Factory: lol
[10:23:07 PM] Legitimate: i have 2 160 codes
[10:23:12 PM] Factory: [10:22 PM] Legitimate:
<<< people told me you were??
[10:23:19 PM] Legitimate: scammer..
[10:23:26 PM] Factory: who is telling any1 i scam
[10:23:30 PM] Factory: please i want sum1 to show proof
[10:23:35 PM] Factory: i used to trash talk alot
[10:23:40 PM] Factory: thats the only bad rep i have on fk
[10:23:43 PM] Factory: "obnoxious"
[10:23:43 PM] Factory: idk y
[10:23:50 PM] Legitimate: ok
[10:23:52 PM] Legitimate: so let's do this
[10:24:01 PM] Factory: i dont want u to be mad at me like if u dont want to trade dont i'd rather we stayed chilled friends
[10:24:09 PM] Legitimate: i want the tag
[10:24:13 PM] Legitimate: I'll even buy for 300
[10:24:15 PM] Legitimate: i'm desperate
[10:24:25 PM] Factory: dont have
[10:24:27 PM] Factory: enuf msp
[10:24:40 PM] Legitimate: buy some online
[10:25:00 PM] Legitimate: http://gametimezone.com/games/xboxlive.php
[10:25:02 PM] Factory: ive tried a lot fo places and i need phone verication ns hit
[10:25:18 PM] Legitimate: try that
[10:25:55 PM] Legitimate: and after you buy i'll even pay for the money you used to buy the msp
[10:25:58 PM] Legitimate: so you'll get 320
[10:26:00 PM] Factory: i dont want to haev to go thru this process to trade n stuff ik the deal is good but i dont want to do this if i happen to want to ill let u know
[10:26:07 PM] Factory: i just feel fucked right now for some reason
[10:26:08 PM] Factory: DONT GET MAD
[10:26:10 PM] Factory: PLEAAAAASE
[10:26:21 PM] Legitimate: Scam report is going out
[10:26:24 PM] Legitimate: knew it was true.
[10:26:32 PM] Legitimate: you're a waste of my time
[10:26:33 PM] Factory: your pushign stuff on me
[10:26:35 PM] Legitimate: i swear to god.
[10:26:35 PM] Legitimate: i told you
[10:26:36 PM] Factory: i dont get it
[10:26:37 PM] Legitimate: i'm going first
[10:26:43 PM] Factory: so i have to use my money
[10:26:44 PM] Factory: and trade u
[10:26:45 PM] Legitimate: and then you try fucking scamming me and say yes then no?
[10:26:47 PM] Legitimate: whatever
[10:26:49 PM] Factory: or else i get posted as a scammer
[10:26:51 PM] Factory: dude come on
[10:27:00 PM] Legitimate: BECAUSE YOU WASTE MY TIME
[10:27:01 PM] Factory: IF I WANTED TYO SCAM U
[10:27:03 PM] Legitimate: AND YOU'RE SKETCHY AS FUCK
[10:27:07 PM] Factory: I WOULD HAVE DONE ELSE
[10:27:08 PM] Legitimate: YOU SAY YES AND NO
[10:27:23 PM] Factory: i would be fucked
[10:27:25 PM] Factory: i have 0 reop
[10:27:27 PM] Factory: u have a lot
[10:27:29 PM] Factory: but i feel like
[10:27:32 PM] Factory: ill be fucked over
[10:27:34 PM] Factory: uhave more power
[10:27:34 PM] Factory: than me
[10:27:40 PM] Factory: so thats why i dont feel like doing it?
[10:27:43 PM] Legitimate: Yes.
[10:27:50 PM] Factory: and u dont understand and now ur gunna post stuff about me
[10:27:54 PM] Factory: this whole thing is just fucked
[10:28:01 PM] Legitimate: Because you're a sketchy user..
[10:28:06 PM] Factory: okay
[10:28:07 PM] Factory: hi
[10:28:15 PM] Factory: im factory
[10:28:18 PM] Factory: uhm
[10:28:25 PM] Factory: i would rather not trade my tag because i feel unsafe
[10:28:27 PM] Factory: and pressured
[10:28:37 PM] Factory: str8 forward enuf? (worry)
[10:28:43 PM] Legitimate: That's fine. scam report going out for wasting my time and trying to scam.
[10:29:08 PM] Factory: k thats fine whatever
[10:29:09 PM] Factory: fuck this
[10:29:09 PM] Legitimate: I thought you were better than this.
[10:29:15 PM] Legitimate: I don't understand your fucking problem
[10:29:19 PM] Factory: i
[10:29:19 PM] Factory: dont
[10:29:19 PM] Legitimate: I offer 320 DOLLAR
[10:29:22 PM] Factory: want to put my tag
[10:29:23 PM] Factory: on a silver
[10:29:24 PM] Legitimate: YOU SAY NO?
[10:29:26 PM] Factory: end of
[10:29:28 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:30 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:30 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:31 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:32 PM] Factory: because
[10:29:32 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:32 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:33 PM] Legitimate: WH?
[10:29:36 PM] Factory: i will egt turboed
[10:29:36 PM] Legitimate: I'M FUCKING LEGITL.
[10:29:39 PM] Factory: we did one small trade
[10:29:40 PM] Legitimate: ok
[10:29:42 PM] Factory: and i feel asif
[10:29:43 PM] Legitimate: listen
[10:29:45 PM] Factory: you on xbox.com
[10:29:48 PM] Factory: clicking
[10:29:50 PM] Factory: claim it"
[10:29:51 PM] Factory: 100 times
[10:29:55 PM] Factory: and trying to take factory
[10:29:59 PM] Factory: ik
[10:30:02 PM] Legitimate: I'll talk to you when we're doing the deal!
[10:30:04 PM] Factory: and to add to it, i cant buy msp
[10:30:06 PM] Factory: and i dont want to have to
[10:30:10 PM] Factory: account for account
[10:30:10 PM] Legitimate: You can't auto click and talk at the same time
[10:30:12 PM] Factory: end of story
[10:30:17 PM] Legitimate: End of story
[10:30:18 PM] Legitimate: scammer.
[10:30:25 PM] Legitimate: I'm done.
[10:30:28 PM] Factory: k
[9:47:28 PM] Legitimate: + like 100 for your tag
[9:47:39 PM] Factory: so wait
[9:47:41 PM] Factory: would it be in the middle like
[9:47:47 PM] Factory: conversation > factory > 100 bcucks MP?
[9:47:51 PM] Legitimate: ?
[9:48:04 PM] Legitimate: No I can do it all
[9:48:10 PM] Legitimate: Conversation + 100 then Factory
[9:48:20 PM] Factory: u sure? no meeting in the middle?
[9:48:26 PM] Legitimate: nah dude
[9:48:28 PM] Legitimate: i trust you
[9:48:31 PM] Factory: i like u lol
[9:48:31 PM] Factory: your easy to go by
[9:48:35 PM] Legitimate:
[9:48:41 PM] Legitimate: Because I got like 500 todaty
[9:48:42 PM] Legitimate: today*
[9:48:49 PM] Legitimate: selling kindles
[9:49:03 PM] Legitimate: so wanna do this
[9:49:15 PM] Factory: i suck at securing gmertags but like
[9:49:19 PM] Factory: is there anyway we could like
[9:49:24 PM] Factory: tag swap for conversation
[9:49:25 PM] Factory: or i can put it on a silver
[9:49:31 PM] Factory: so its made under my info or whatever
[9:49:33 PM] Legitimate: wait what?
[9:49:40 PM] Legitimate: I'm not gonna scam you..
[9:49:42 PM] Legitimate: lol..
[9:49:43 PM] Legitimate: i'm trusted..
[9:49:43 PM] Factory: the whole account or?
[9:49:44 PM] Factory: how are u giving conversation to me
[9:49:47 PM] Factory: yeah ik
[9:49:49 PM] Legitimate: the whole account
[9:49:59 PM] Legitimate: 15th on mw3
[9:50:03 PM] Legitimate: 15th on black ops
[9:50:08 PM] Legitimate: oh wait nvm
[9:50:11 PM] Factory: isnt convo under ur legit info cuz u put a lot of names on it hah p
[9:50:13 PM] Legitimate: that's my other account that's 15th on bo
[9:50:20 PM] Legitimate: yea it's my info
[9:50:27 PM] Factory: ik ur trusted
[9:50:31 PM] Factory: but just as a security issue
[9:50:35 PM] Factory: could u help me secure it
[9:50:38 PM] Legitimate: sure
[9:50:41 PM] Factory: for my own retardism
[9:50:44 PM] Factory: lol thanks
[9:50:44 PM] Legitimate: yeah np
[9:50:52 PM] Factory: i really like u for some reason
[9:50:55 PM] Legitimate:
[9:50:57 PM] Factory: ur chill and easy to go by
[9:51:02 PM] Legitimate: everybody does
[9:51:03 PM] Legitimate: ya dig?
[9:51:04 PM] Legitimate: lol
[9:51:06 PM] Factory: lol
[9:51:10 PM] Factory: u always say that
[9:51:20 PM] Legitimate: say what
[9:51:34 PM] Factory: YA DIG??????????
[9:52:04 PM] Legitimate: k so lets do this?
[9:52:20 PM] Factory: I DIG
[9:52:20 PM] Factory: lol
[9:52:47 PM] Factory: laaaag
[9:53:55 PM] Legitimate: ok?
[9:54:49 PM] Legitimate: hy
[9:55:18 PM] Factory: k on my good computer mine or ur connections suckk
[9:55:38 PM] Legitimate: lol
[9:55:39 PM] Legitimate: yea
[9:56:04 PM] Legitimate: yo
[9:56:11 PM] Factory: k uhm
[9:56:28 PM] Legitimate: ?
[9:56:33 PM] Factory: i want to see where i go
[9:56:36 PM] Factory: to redeem moneypak
[9:56:49 PM] Legitimate: u on pp
[9:56:52 PM] Factory: ya
[9:56:57 PM] Legitimate: click add money
[9:57:09 PM] Factory: k
[9:57:20 PM] Legitimate: and then click mp
[9:57:39 PM] Factory: wait noa dd money
[9:57:40 PM] Factory: it says
[9:57:43 PM] Factory: add funds?
[9:57:46 PM] Legitimate: no add money
[9:58:05 PM] Legitimate: oh yeah add funds
[9:58:07 PM] Legitimate: and then mp
[9:58:17 PM] Factory: http://gyazo.com/4b9f9d46aec1b64ea619b09e8c797873
[9:58:36 PM] Legitimate: add funds
[9:58:46 PM] Factory: http://gyazo.com/1956f042d8f5ff9b004e41b2faa3f59a
[9:59:03 PM] Legitimate: omfg
[9:59:04 PM] Factory: (worry)
[9:59:05 PM] Legitimate: let me tv ypou
[9:59:06 PM] Legitimate: you*
[9:59:09 PM] Factory: im canadian
[9:59:13 PM] Factory: thats why most likely?
[9:59:15 PM] Legitimate: oh that's why!
[9:59:18 PM] Factory:
[9:59:20 PM] Factory: so u have to add it
[9:59:20 PM] Legitimate: I'll just send paypal as gift?
[9:59:25 PM] Factory: then u have to send it
[9:59:28 PM] Legitimate: deal
[9:59:30 PM] Factory: as payment owed apparently
[9:59:32 PM] Factory: thats safer
[9:59:33 PM] Factory: or somethin
[9:59:38 PM] Legitimate: ok
[9:59:41 PM] Legitimate: whatever you want
[10:00:07 PM] Factory: k so
[10:00:12 PM] Factory: im always so nervous in trades
[10:00:16 PM] Factory: but im not going first
[10:00:18 PM] Legitimate: don't worry!
[10:00:19 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:00:19 PM] Factory: and im still nervos
[10:00:20 PM] Legitimate: ik that..
[10:00:26 PM] Factory: okay uhm
[10:00:32 PM] Factory: let me remove the recoveries
[10:00:35 PM] Factory: off factory or whatevr
[10:00:40 PM] Factory: k
[10:00:44 PM] Legitimate: no?
[10:00:47 PM] Legitimate: I'm not taking the account..
[10:00:47 PM] Factory: oh wait
[10:00:48 PM] Factory: yeah
[10:00:48 PM] Legitimate: i said that..
[10:00:50 PM] Factory: im changing it
[10:00:51 PM] Factory: LOL
[10:00:54 PM] Legitimate: It's on your console so it can be easily recovered
[10:01:09 PM] Factory: hm that makes me weird cuz
[10:01:12 PM] Factory: couldnt u do the same?
[10:01:21 PM] Legitimate: I can swap if you'd like
[10:01:49 PM] Factory: hm
[10:01:53 PM] Factory: wait
[10:01:54 PM] Legitimate: I'm trusted dude!
[10:01:55 PM] Legitimate: 120 rep!
[10:01:56 PM] Legitimate: power
[10:01:57 PM] Factory: we could do it this way
[10:01:59 PM] Legitimate: and like 6 awards
[10:01:59 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:02:00 PM] Factory: like i could wait
[10:02:00 PM] Factory: hm
[10:02:01 PM] Factory: Lol
[10:02:05 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:02:13 PM] Legitimate: i'm not gonna fucking scam you
[10:02:16 PM] Factory: im really slow
[10:02:20 PM] Legitimate: i have 8 legit vouches
[10:02:20 PM] Factory: so i take time -.- lol
[10:02:21 PM] Legitimate: stop stressing
[10:02:31 PM] Factory: k
[10:02:32 PM] Factory: can u swap
[10:02:34 PM] Factory: conversation
[10:02:45 PM] Legitimate: Yes.
[10:02:51 PM] Factory: k would i just take the account
[10:02:53 PM] Factory: on factory
[10:02:56 PM] Legitimate: huh
[10:02:58 PM] Factory: then u take factory
[10:03:00 PM] Factory: like
[10:03:04 PM] Factory: u change conversation
[10:03:11 PM] Legitimate: OH hell no
[10:03:11 PM] Factory: i redeem that name on the factory account
[10:03:14 PM] Legitimate: that's fucking sketcht
[10:03:19 PM] Legitimate: sketchy*
[10:03:22 PM] Factory: how do u want to do it
[10:03:23 PM] Legitimate: i already agreed going first
[10:03:24 PM] Factory: Lloafkl
[10:03:34 PM] Factory: k wait
[10:03:38 PM] Factory: so it would be better if
[10:03:39 PM] Legitimate: Why not just take conversation and change wlid
[10:03:42 PM] Legitimate: it's unable to get back then
[10:03:54 PM] Factory: does convo has msp on it?
[10:04:04 PM] Legitimate: 680
[10:04:11 PM] Factory: hm
[10:04:21 PM] Factory: i guess i could
[10:04:26 PM] Factory: just so much thinking
[10:04:29 PM] Factory: i had factory for awhile now
[10:04:32 PM] Legitimate: Not really?
[10:04:33 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:04:34 PM] Factory: ik
[10:04:37 PM] Legitimate: you could buy a way better tag
[10:04:39 PM] Legitimate: for that money
[10:04:42 PM] Legitimate: i just love factory
[10:04:43 PM] Factory: but my head breaks it up into a billion peices
[10:04:53 PM] Legitimate: :/
[10:04:55 PM] Factory: k
[10:04:58 PM] Legitimate: stop worrying
[10:04:59 PM] Factory: are u going to
[10:05:02 PM] Factory: remove the emails and backups on
[10:05:04 PM] Factory: conversation
[10:05:06 PM] Factory: then let me go on it
[10:05:06 PM] Legitimate: yes there is none
[10:05:08 PM] Factory: or whatever
[10:05:17 PM] Factory: k but if u already change the wlid
[10:05:23 PM] Factory: then i cant change for another 30 days
[10:05:23 PM] Factory: or?
[10:05:25 PM] Legitimate: I didn't.
[10:05:27 PM] Factory: something like that
[10:05:31 PM] Legitimate: It's been mine for over 4 months
[10:05:34 PM] Legitimate: never changed
[10:05:34 PM] Factory: okay ukno whatever i trust u
[10:05:36 PM] Legitimate: stop worrying
[10:05:37 PM] Factory: lets just do it
[10:05:40 PM] Factory: lol ik sry
[10:05:43 PM] Legitimate: we already did a deal
[10:05:44 PM] Legitimate: lol
[10:05:45 PM] Factory: how muchy livetime on convo?
[10:05:47 PM] Legitimate: i'm legit right?
[10:05:50 PM] Factory: yaya
[10:05:54 PM] Legitimate: until 2/13
[10:06:02 PM] Factory: noice
[10:06:06 PM] Legitimate: ye
[10:06:07 PM] Factory: factory has another month+ on it
[10:06:09 PM] Factory: i know that
[10:06:14 PM] Legitimate: omg
[10:06:20 PM] Legitimate: i don't want the acc!
[10:06:21 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:06:22 PM] Factory: is that bad
[10:06:23 PM] Factory: omg
[10:06:24 PM] Factory: sorry
[10:06:26 PM] Factory: im so dumb
[10:06:27 PM] Factory: LOl
[10:06:27 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:06:39 PM] Factory: k
[10:06:42 PM] Factory: im actually
[10:06:44 PM] Factory: the slowest kid
[10:06:48 PM] Legitimate: lmaoooo
[10:06:51 PM] Legitimate: so let's do this man
[10:06:51 PM] Factory: okay so
[10:06:56 PM] Factory: u will have to send me the money
[10:06:58 PM] Factory: seperately
[10:07:01 PM] Factory: afterwards i guess
[10:07:08 PM] Legitimate: huh
[10:07:12 PM] Factory: cuz i acnt redeem
[10:07:13 PM] Factory: mp
[10:07:18 PM] Legitimate: oh ya ik
[10:07:59 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:08:33 PM] Factory: okay
[10:08:54 PM] Legitimate: okay
[10:08:55 PM] Legitimate: so?
[10:08:57 PM] Factory: okay
[10:08:59 PM] Factory: lets do disssssss
[10:09:03 PM] Legitimate: kk
[10:09:26 PM] Factory: okay
[10:09:30 PM] Legitimate:
[10:09:30 PM] Factory: u start howver
[10:09:33 PM] Factory: it needs to be started
[10:09:35 PM] Factory: idk
[10:09:48 PM] Legitimate: It's kinda sketchy that you haven't swapped the gt before i send money
[10:09:54 PM] Legitimate: it's kinda a hint you're gonns scam me..
[10:09:56 PM] Legitimate: gonna*
[10:10:05 PM] Factory: wait what i didnt understand that line
[10:10:12 PM] Legitimate: how we doing this
[10:10:25 PM] Factory: u said u'd go first so m waiting on your go
[10:10:34 PM] Factory: cuz i dont want to push it and make myself look like a scam or whatever
[10:10:55 PM] Legitimate: I'm not sending the money until it's on a fresh silver. Because it's kinda sketchy and it's like saying oh hey lemme scam you
[10:11:03 PM] Factory: k so
[10:11:06 PM] Factory: do it like i said
[10:11:16 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:11:21 PM] Factory: conversation > factory(once u have it all okay) > $100?
[10:11:26 PM] Legitimate: Omg
[10:11:29 PM] Legitimate: I just said..
[10:11:33 PM] Factory: oooh
[10:11:40 PM] Factory: u want factory to be on a fresh silver?
[10:11:41 PM] Legitimate: I'm not swapping my tag first. I'm swapping after.
[10:11:44 PM] Legitimate: OMG
[10:11:45 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:11:48 PM] Legitimate: SERIOUSLY?
[10:11:49 PM] Factory: k
[10:11:49 PM] Legitimate: YES
[10:11:50 PM] Legitimate: HAHAHA
[10:11:51 PM] Factory: im so lost
[10:11:59 PM] Factory: sfhvgdhkassdf
[10:12:00 PM] Legitimate: you're making me really mad
[10:12:06 PM] Legitimate: this is taking ages.
[10:12:06 PM] Factory: your making me confused
[10:12:06 PM] Factory: lol
[10:12:13 PM] Factory: k
[10:12:15 PM] Factory: explain in detail
[10:12:17 PM] Factory: how its all going
[10:12:19 PM] Factory: pls
[10:12:21 PM] Legitimate: Ok
[10:12:41 PM] Legitimate: You're swapping Factory. I'm sending money and conversation info. You send Factory info
[10:12:42 PM] Legitimate: simple.
[10:12:54 PM] Factory: now it makes my brina think that
[10:12:59 PM] Factory: u could be waiting to take factiory
[10:13:03 PM] Factory: not saying u r
[10:13:05 PM] Legitimate: I DON'T TURBO
[10:13:06 PM] Factory: im just thinking like
[10:13:07 PM] Legitimate: HOLY SHIT.
[10:13:12 PM] Legitimate: I'M TRUSTED ON FK
[10:13:18 PM] Legitimate: I'VE NEVER SCAMMED NOR TURBO
[10:13:19 PM] Factory: ik
[10:13:19 PM] Legitimate: LOL
[10:13:27 PM] Legitimate: we did a deal!
[10:13:29 PM] Legitimate: fucking chill!
[10:13:35 PM] Legitimate: It was legit and you went first? remember?
[10:13:47 PM] Factory: k
[10:13:48 PM] Factory: let me o
[10:13:50 PM] Legitimate: You're stressing
[10:13:51 PM] Factory: turn on my xbox
[10:14:17 PM] Legitimate: ok
[10:15:37 PM] Factory: omg this is going to make u more mad
[10:15:40 PM] Factory: LOOOOOl
[10:15:46 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:15:50 PM] Factory: i dont even have enough
[10:15:53 PM] Factory: to change my gamertag
[10:15:55 PM] Factory: lmfao
[10:15:56 PM] Legitimate: enough what
[10:15:59 PM] Factory: msp
[10:16:02 PM] Legitimate: omfg.
[10:16:05 PM] Factory: i got
[10:16:05 PM] Legitimate: ask your mom or something
[10:16:10 PM] Legitimate: to use her cc
[10:16:16 PM] Factory: its not like that becuase
[10:16:25 PM] Factory: 1st off my parents would never let me they're jews
[10:16:29 PM] Factory: and the account itself
[10:16:31 PM] Factory: is UK
[10:16:40 PM] Factory: so its even gayer
[10:16:43 PM] Factory: i have to buy online
[10:16:51 PM] Legitimate: what the fuck...
[10:17:10 PM] Factory: i bought Texas Hold'em Poker for 800msp on the weekend
[10:17:15 PM] Factory: :%
[10:17:30 PM] Legitimate: dude what the fuck..
[10:17:34 PM] Factory: what?
[10:17:36 PM] Legitimate: you're trying to scam me
[10:17:37 PM] Legitimate: i knew it
[10:17:42 PM] Factory: u wanna see
[10:17:44 PM] Factory: the msp
[10:17:45 PM] Factory: or the account
[10:17:48 PM] Factory: i dont gett it
[10:17:57 PM] Factory: u dont have to trade me then!! dont assume that pleeeeeeeeeease
[10:18:07 PM] Legitimate: wow dude
[10:18:08 PM] Factory: im just being caucious
[10:18:12 PM] Legitimate: i really wanted this tag..
[10:18:12 PM] Factory: i dont wanna do this cuz
[10:18:15 PM] Legitimate: I knew you were.
[10:18:19 PM] Factory: now its in that awkward position
[10:18:26 PM] Legitimate: because you're on mw2
[10:18:31 PM] Legitimate: so therefore you can't check msp
[10:18:32 PM] Factory: im not on mw2????
[10:18:41 PM] Legitimate: YES?
[10:18:44 PM] Factory: oh yeah im siged in upstairs
[10:18:47 PM] Factory: skype webcam??? Lol
[10:18:56 PM] Legitimate: how many you have
[10:19:03 PM] Factory: xboxes?
[10:19:03 PM] Factory: 3
[10:19:06 PM] Legitimate: no
[10:19:07 PM] Legitimate: msp
[10:19:07 PM] Factory: living room
[10:19:09 PM] Factory: oh
[10:19:12 PM] Factory: gyazo on xbox.com
[10:19:17 PM] Legitimate: k
[10:20:08 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:20:29 PM] Factory: i cant isgnin
[10:20:30 PM] Factory: wtf
[10:20:31 PM] Factory: hold on
[10:20:34 PM] Factory: this is bad on my end
[10:20:38 PM] Factory: okay there sry i got scared for asec
[10:20:56 PM] Legitimate: k
[10:20:58 PM] Factory: gyazo loading
[10:21:01 PM] Factory: http://gyazo.com/a4d5aaa566932e6ca0f370941c743e8c
[10:21:02 PM] Factory: there
[10:21:23 PM] Legitimate: there's nothing in it..
[10:21:28 PM] Legitimate: oh 280
[10:21:38 PM] Factory: i just feel like
[10:21:39 PM] Legitimate: well just buy some
[10:21:40 PM] Factory: ur mad at me now
[10:21:41 PM] Legitimate: i wanted this tag so bad
[10:21:43 PM] Legitimate:
[10:21:45 PM] Factory: and this trade is gunna be abuout anger
[10:21:48 PM] Factory: and i feel unsafe lol
[10:21:54 PM] Legitimate: wtf/
[10:21:55 PM] Legitimate: ?
[10:21:59 PM] Factory: sorry idk wat to doooo
[10:22:05 PM] Legitimate: buy msp..
[10:22:13 PM] Factory: $5 on paypal
[10:22:14 PM] Factory: not much i can buy
[10:22:22 PM] Legitimate: 400
[10:22:26 PM] Factory: and i know u want me to put it on something else but
[10:22:30 PM] Factory: convo is under ur info
[10:22:38 PM] Factory: factory is from some uk kid who gave it to me last year
[10:22:40 PM] Factory: and idk
[10:22:47 PM] Legitimate: wow.
[10:22:50 PM] Legitimate: people told me you were
[10:22:50 PM] Factory: its 800 to change, no?
[10:22:55 PM] Legitimate: yes it is
[10:23:03 PM] Factory: 280 + 400 is 680?
[10:23:04 PM] Factory: lol
[10:23:07 PM] Legitimate: i have 2 160 codes
[10:23:12 PM] Factory: [10:22 PM] Legitimate:
<<< people told me you were??
[10:23:19 PM] Legitimate: scammer..
[10:23:26 PM] Factory: who is telling any1 i scam
[10:23:30 PM] Factory: please i want sum1 to show proof
[10:23:35 PM] Factory: i used to trash talk alot
[10:23:40 PM] Factory: thats the only bad rep i have on fk
[10:23:43 PM] Factory: "obnoxious"
[10:23:43 PM] Factory: idk y
[10:23:50 PM] Legitimate: ok
[10:23:52 PM] Legitimate: so let's do this
[10:24:01 PM] Factory: i dont want u to be mad at me like if u dont want to trade dont i'd rather we stayed chilled friends
[10:24:09 PM] Legitimate: i want the tag
[10:24:13 PM] Legitimate: I'll even buy for 300
[10:24:15 PM] Legitimate: i'm desperate
[10:24:25 PM] Factory: dont have
[10:24:27 PM] Factory: enuf msp
[10:24:40 PM] Legitimate: buy some online
[10:25:00 PM] Legitimate: http://gametimezone.com/games/xboxlive.php
[10:25:02 PM] Factory: ive tried a lot fo places and i need phone verication ns hit
[10:25:18 PM] Legitimate: try that
[10:25:55 PM] Legitimate: and after you buy i'll even pay for the money you used to buy the msp
[10:25:58 PM] Legitimate: so you'll get 320
[10:26:00 PM] Factory: i dont want to haev to go thru this process to trade n stuff ik the deal is good but i dont want to do this if i happen to want to ill let u know
[10:26:07 PM] Factory: i just feel fucked right now for some reason
[10:26:08 PM] Factory: DONT GET MAD
[10:26:10 PM] Factory: PLEAAAAASE
[10:26:21 PM] Legitimate: Scam report is going out
[10:26:24 PM] Legitimate: knew it was true.
[10:26:32 PM] Legitimate: you're a waste of my time
[10:26:33 PM] Factory: your pushign stuff on me
[10:26:35 PM] Legitimate: i swear to god.
[10:26:35 PM] Legitimate: i told you
[10:26:36 PM] Factory: i dont get it
[10:26:37 PM] Legitimate: i'm going first
[10:26:43 PM] Factory: so i have to use my money
[10:26:44 PM] Factory: and trade u
[10:26:45 PM] Legitimate: and then you try fucking scamming me and say yes then no?
[10:26:47 PM] Legitimate: whatever
[10:26:49 PM] Factory: or else i get posted as a scammer
[10:26:51 PM] Factory: dude come on
[10:27:00 PM] Legitimate: BECAUSE YOU WASTE MY TIME
[10:27:01 PM] Factory: IF I WANTED TYO SCAM U
[10:27:03 PM] Legitimate: AND YOU'RE SKETCHY AS FUCK
[10:27:07 PM] Factory: I WOULD HAVE DONE ELSE
[10:27:08 PM] Legitimate: YOU SAY YES AND NO
[10:27:23 PM] Factory: i would be fucked
[10:27:25 PM] Factory: i have 0 reop
[10:27:27 PM] Factory: u have a lot
[10:27:29 PM] Factory: but i feel like
[10:27:32 PM] Factory: ill be fucked over
[10:27:34 PM] Factory: uhave more power
[10:27:34 PM] Factory: than me
[10:27:40 PM] Factory: so thats why i dont feel like doing it?
[10:27:43 PM] Legitimate: Yes.
[10:27:50 PM] Factory: and u dont understand and now ur gunna post stuff about me
[10:27:54 PM] Factory: this whole thing is just fucked
[10:28:01 PM] Legitimate: Because you're a sketchy user..
[10:28:06 PM] Factory: okay
[10:28:07 PM] Factory: hi
[10:28:15 PM] Factory: im factory
[10:28:18 PM] Factory: uhm
[10:28:25 PM] Factory: i would rather not trade my tag because i feel unsafe
[10:28:27 PM] Factory: and pressured
[10:28:37 PM] Factory: str8 forward enuf? (worry)
[10:28:43 PM] Legitimate: That's fine. scam report going out for wasting my time and trying to scam.
[10:29:08 PM] Factory: k thats fine whatever
[10:29:09 PM] Factory: fuck this
[10:29:09 PM] Legitimate: I thought you were better than this.
[10:29:15 PM] Legitimate: I don't understand your fucking problem
[10:29:19 PM] Factory: i
[10:29:19 PM] Factory: dont
[10:29:19 PM] Legitimate: I offer 320 DOLLAR
[10:29:22 PM] Factory: want to put my tag
[10:29:23 PM] Factory: on a silver
[10:29:24 PM] Legitimate: YOU SAY NO?
[10:29:26 PM] Factory: end of
[10:29:28 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:30 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:30 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:31 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:32 PM] Factory: because
[10:29:32 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:32 PM] Legitimate: WHY?
[10:29:33 PM] Legitimate: WH?
[10:29:36 PM] Factory: i will egt turboed
[10:29:36 PM] Legitimate: I'M FUCKING LEGITL.
[10:29:39 PM] Factory: we did one small trade
[10:29:40 PM] Legitimate: ok
[10:29:42 PM] Factory: and i feel asif
[10:29:43 PM] Legitimate: listen
[10:29:45 PM] Factory: you on xbox.com
[10:29:48 PM] Factory: clicking
[10:29:50 PM] Factory: claim it"
[10:29:51 PM] Factory: 100 times
[10:29:55 PM] Factory: and trying to take factory
[10:29:59 PM] Factory: ik
[10:30:02 PM] Legitimate: I'll talk to you when we're doing the deal!
[10:30:04 PM] Factory: and to add to it, i cant buy msp
[10:30:06 PM] Factory: and i dont want to have to
[10:30:10 PM] Factory: account for account
[10:30:10 PM] Legitimate: You can't auto click and talk at the same time
[10:30:12 PM] Factory: end of story
[10:30:17 PM] Legitimate: End of story
[10:30:18 PM] Legitimate: scammer.
[10:30:25 PM] Legitimate: I'm done.
[10:30:28 PM] Factory: k
His FK Username: Moon
Please help me out, I think I'm being treated unfairly by high-rep'd users.
Thanks to: