I'm Pimp.

I feel like I'd be an excellent fit for the group.

Nothing really else to say


Grammar Level(1-10)

Web Design
Games Design

Running forums using MyBB
Going on Forum Korner
Football (soccer)

What will you bring to the group?
Well I'm a fairly active user and I'm willing to contribute to the forums as much as I can.
I'll be keeping the sub forum active with @"Random" and @"Rey" like we have two others yesterday.

Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?
Yes, I'll post more than 20 times per week.​
Name: Braden

Age: 16

Grammar Level(1-10): 9

Skills: I have quite a few different skills, both off and on the computer. My main skill that people know me for is my graphic design, as I currently work for a professional UFC fighter named Scott Jorgensen.

Hobbies: I have quite a few extraordinary hobbies both on and offline, a few being graphic design, software engineering, playing xbox, wrestling, and overall just hanging out with friends.

What will you bring to the group?: If I were to be accepted into Immortals, I would be sure to check the subforums as the first thing I do every time I log in each day. Yes I log in multiple times throughout the day and generally I am always able to be contacted. I would gladly help out anyone who needs help within the group, and I would love to get back into the swing of things with my graphic design, so I could help out the people in the group if they need anything done!

Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: I will probably post around 30-40 times a week on the group sub-forum.

I appreciate your time in reading my application, and I wish everyone else applying a good luck. I know my reputation and credentials might not be as royal as the other members on the site.

My name is Lukas.

I am fourteen, but more mature than the majority of this forum.

Grammar Level(1-10):
My grammar level is around nine.

I'm pretty good at photo and video editing. My favorite programs are Photoshop, Cinema 4D, and Sony Vegas.

I enjoy playing soccer, collecting shoes, and chilling with my friends.

What will you bring to the group?:
I am kind of active, but I will try to be more active. My posts are generally high quality, I try my best to use good grammar.

Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?:

For sure!

I will make this a LOT longer, but I have to leave for a soccer game in twenty minutes.​



Grammar Level(1-10):
8. I'm not perfect at everything.

I do graphics design, and I skateboard sometimes. I also love computers as well, it's been a high interest since I was 8 years old.

I like doing martial arts, running, playing video games, and helping out people whenever I can.

What will you bring to the group?:
There will be a lot of things on what I will bring to the group. First off, I would help a lot of users with computers, advice, etc. I also will be very active, so don't worry about me being inactive. I will wear the UB too, it's pretty sick.

Will you post with-in the subforum at least 20 times a week?:

I will definitely do that, I don't want groups to die because of the new rules.

What makes you think you got what it takes to join Immortals?:
Well, I'm a pretty trustworthy member. I have a vouch from @Pimp to join groups, but I bet that wouldn't be enough. When it comes to being a 2014 member, I can say I am a good member. Not sure what other people think though. Also I want to make new friends by joining groups. Also, I will keep the sub-forum alive by posting A LOT(as said in the last question.) I am respectful, and will not start shit(I have no grudges against any of you, why would I?)​

Good application, just needs a lot of fixing.
Name: Matthew
Age: 16
Grammar Level(1-10): 7-8 I believe.
Skills: I am skilled at photoshop picture editing, playing sports, and I also love to play video games.
Hobbies: Going to the gym, playing video games, hanging with friends, using photoshop, and just helping people out.
What will you bring to the group?: I can bring a good amount of posts, while keeping them all HQ.
Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: I should be able to do that quite easily. 3 posts a day? yes I can find time for that
Name: Tyler

Age: 17

GRAMMAR LEVEL: 10. If I make a grammar mistake you can kick me from the group. I am a nazi and proud of it.

SKILLS: I'm not a computer nerd. I'm not gonna lie and say I am. But I have life skills. Examples: I am a fast learner and great leader. I also listen very well and have copious amounts of time to post in the sub-forum.

HOBBIES: I enjoy long walks on the beach, and starting religious riots on the streets of neighboring towns.

WHAT I WILL BRING: It's pretty clear. You need dedicated members who will benefit the group and not let it get deleted. I will make it my NUMBER ONE goal to keep this group going even if I have to make all 1,000 posts.

WILL I BE ACTIVE: See above. The answer speaks for itself.
Name: S.i.n / Omar
Age: 14
Grammar Level(1-10): I'd like to think i am around 9-10.
Skills: coding, html coding, css coding, php coding.
Hobbies: Basketball is life.
What will you bring to the group?: Giveaways, tutorials, funny stuff.
Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: Yes i will, i may even post more.
Guys, use BBCode to format your applications. Also, we won't be reviewing users having posts below 500.
Name: Soldier

Age: 16

Grammar Level(1-10): 8/10

Skills: Gaming!

Hobbies: Basketball, Gaming, and just hanging out with friends

What will you bring to the group?: Well... seeing as these new rules recently got implemented, every group can use as much help as possible getting active. I can TRY helping out with that. Also obviously representing the group to the best!

Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: Yea​
Name: PandaJr /

Age: 14

Grammar Level(1-10): 8 except on spam and trolling section.

Skills: I do graphics and irl sports.

Hobbies: My hobbies are doing graphics, playing games, chilling with friends and just having fun. I like to chill with friends, irl and through the internet.

What will you bring to the group?: I am super chill, I like to talk to people in my group. I get along with everybody, I currently don't have any enemies on the site. I can also bring small graphics if needed to group members.

Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: Yes, I can be super active on the sub forum if really needed. It will also be hq posts not just spam posts.
Name: Calvin
Age: 15
Grammar Level(1-10): 10
Skills: Graphic design and video editing.
Hobbies: skating, playing xbox, and going on FK and HF to make money and talk to people.
What will you bring to the group?: I can help you guys out with graphics or whatever.
Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: Yes
You guys need to put more effort. We've only a few spots left.
Jimmy said:
You guys need to put more effort. We've only a few spots left.

I have less than 500 posts, but I can make a long application.

Let me know if you're willing to make an exception.

Name: Daniel
Age: 16
Grammar Level: 10/10
Skills: Marketing
Hobbies: Video Games, Baseball, Basketball and collecting sneakers
What will you bring to the group?: I have social virtues such as politeness, charisma, friendliness and sportsmanship which I can bring to the group.
Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: Yes, I will post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week.​
Triad's [size=x-large]

Name: Orion/Ryan/Triad

Age: 16

Grammar Level(1-10): 8.

Skills: My skills include; Basic coding, Ethical hacking, Graphic design, Video editing.

Hobbies: Ethical Hacking, Graphic Effects, CS:GO, and video editing.

What will you bring to the group?: I will bring activity and high quality posting to the group. I will be active in the sub-forum, And wear the userbar most of the time. I will bring a nice feel to the group and treat every member with respect including the leaders. I hope you take this into consideration.

Will you post within the sub-forum at least 20 times a week?: Yes, I agree to post atleast 20 times a week.​
Jimmy said:
Guys, use BBCode to format your applications. Also, we won't be reviewing users having posts below 500.

I'll be breaking 500 posts today without an issue ^_^
Jay-Z said:
More effort? Lmao. Look at Doom, trilogy, random, Rey's responses. I'm pretty sure I put in more effort than them. This isn't about effort it's about getting your friends in. Smh.
No. I never referred to you in particular. The users you listed above were invited, not considered from apps.

If you're gonna whine and keep that attitude, we're not looking for members like this.
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