Too lazy to put this in the right place, but the kid @svu, @military, @EveryFuckingFkHesHad. Is going around saying he's me on the Skype I just sold him: tricking (s/o @krish)
If you believe it's me pm me. If any other kik writes you make sure it's: fuckboyzeus, Twitter @sidewinder and ig I don't use.
If anyone contacts you saying its me reassure it's me because I don't want you getting fucked.
Thanks ppls s/o detective @grande
If you believe it's me pm me. If any other kik writes you make sure it's: fuckboyzeus, Twitter @sidewinder and ig I don't use.
If anyone contacts you saying its me reassure it's me because I don't want you getting fucked.
Thanks ppls s/o detective @grande