Indéxeme session


A fictional patient

Another economic crisis. The perceived when a patient told me he came in time to junk bonds and the dollar spent. As he settled into the couch, fixed dared to look at me and said:

'You certainly saw it coming and you're comfortable on the dollar for more than a week.

As to idealize, continued:

'Maybe it is imperative for you to live on the ledge of the financial carousel and that makes it more conservative portfolio. Also listen to my wise counsel. It needs to be a reserve for retirement!. But, my dear analyst, we have to change this schedule noon. It is peak season in the city, these sessions are over downturn because nothing happened.

Was to articulate a few words about the Oedipal rivalry, but the man attacked with such force I could not.

'My wife had already booked in Las Lenas with grandchildren and stopped dead: Black, any rental, to the front I have me go. It is green and swings!

He says while stroking relentlessly the abdomen. I wonder if it will record that is healthy-healthy in the scar of the ulcer perforated hyperinflationary crisis of the nineties he produced. Me out of my thoughts accelerated his story:

The next six months, let's dance a great time. Yesterday I did not know how many new faces or old, depending how you look, they marched through the Stock Exchange. The wheel was hot. I'll give you a figure of those that you like: it was joyful. Long time since I felt I had taken so, so good.

Is that in twenty days I spent bond debt to two companies that I took it down a second before the rise and Friday I did everything and I dove into the dear and beloved green. Ahhh, Olympic!, I assure you. One day I anticipated, he realizes, he took a return to the bosses. The sensation of chewing habérmelos is wonderful. If the financial umbrella will fall back Argentine phrases: "The dollar loses that bet," "I spoke with my heart and I answered with the pocket," some variation of "one dollar, a dollar."

This country is so, so very ... -Stops and delight in finding the right word - our. Country risk for me is the smell of victory. Was rotten to sell airline tickets that never leave and complaints from passengers. No more fighting for pennies on the dollar. Just sell a tour to Transylvania to visit Dracula's castle, to rent camels in Morocco to fucking old to go chasing young Bedouins. In this tute we more.

The baton-continued-sacándome of my thoughts is that they will return the papers to look at us ... collateral damage of this business. Today I took office five types of trees to make. If we buy a lot of dollars with a difference of Diego, the day we make a collection of eight percent in hard currency. A mountain of greens go well fajaditos the account in the Cayman daddy.

Look how excited I am: I'm not going to the country. Saturday recruitment, fifteen trees need more in four days. Bid will be territorial with other money-changers for the corners as good or Corrientes Lavalle and Florida and Carlos Pellegrini. I have everything I arranged with the curator. Some will ass up period. The funniest of the matter is that now I buy my will, as always, giles latecomers to the feast. No need to go to green when it came, it's abc. He went up: wait, so simple and difficult as ever. Remember not to feel dizzy if all goes to hell. Open mind and tight ass.

It was to remind the vicissitudes of his past by-pass, but give me time.

Black-So happy, because I gave him to have. Sex and businesses. The country enters the order that is its foundation. The cornerstone is the Constitution.

As he did a break to blow his nose, I was in suspense to learn the foundation charter. Meticulously kept the handkerchief and continued:

The laws of Murphy. Back to the fore. The chiquitaje fuck you take them and that is always late and afraid. And it pays well, and black spot. What you call a jewel of our middle class grandmother. There is always a group that rearranges and more than enough to start. And do not tell the picnic is organized with that fall. The boats and the departments of the kids mom not laburar and sold by two handles.

I always understood the true meaning of the phrase: "We are doomed to success." Begin to index the sessions on Monday and will come pay day and not in arrears.

* By César Hazaki * psychoanalyst, editor of the Topia.
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