Insane 5 letter OG


Power member.
Selling my best tag. I will not be discounting this tag at all as I don't even want to get rid of it.

5 letters on a 6 year tenure; "1 console" and one console only. I have had this tag for about 5 months. No UAs or anything on it. I have told nearly 4 people about this tag since I have had it.

Starting bid: 500
Bin: 1,000

I swear to god if anyone writes SICK TAG BRO GLWS I will neg you. Only posters I want on this thread are vouchers and bidders.

Only trades I will take will be stat instagrams and huge bundles of nice names on instagram. Don't PM me if you will waste my time and don't waste my time period. I will not stand for it and will be pissed off.

Middlemen I will use: Philly, Junior, Lethal.

IDC about your other middlemen because with all of the following above me I have done a combined 100+ deals.
is this real life? am i seeing hope post!. Anyways vouch for hope legit as fuck anyone buying should have no issued whatso ever
Vouch for Hope easily the best tag on the market.
GLWS Hope the tag is amazing, was wondering who bought it for like a month till I found out.
I just pmed you man please respond lol also guys if you didn't read his thread it says don't say glws smh people don't read these days.
Damn man I cant believe you're selling this, if you're taking trades + money lmk dude.
Is this the one you told me that one time or nah? Anyways vouch good luck big booty Judy
Vouch for @hope one of the most legit guys I know, get this sold bud!
Finally, someone else hates those little "GLWS" faggots. I ALWAYS go on a thread, sometimes looking for some good comments and all i see is gay fag pictures as their avatars with a dick sucking little sig say "Fuck g dat tag is mean, GLWS" but really they don't give a rats shit about the tag they're just in it for the post count.

I'm looking for another final so I can retire from forums. I would like to know what youre selling. If it fits my liking I'll buy. I have about $1.1k I'm willing to spend on a tag if I like it enough. If you need proof of funds just aim me (lyingfk) or kik me (promises) for proof thanks
This tag is dope as hell. If it is still up when I get a few more racks it's mine.
This is the best tag on the market for sure. Glad to see some of you actually have money haha
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