Insane Gamertags Appraisal


I'm in need of these gamertags appraised no I don't own them but I'm getting 1 of them and I need some appraisals

Thanks guys
Pretty much 1K+ for each, besides FMJ could see like $250+ for that one
This is PSN right?
I have never seen these on the Xbox Market but I have seen all the psns on the psn market.

If so i'd say 200$ for each one. I think some of them are aids.
KikTools said:
More appraisals and some are Xbox some are psn
None of these are on Xbox what are you talking about ? The few that are on Xbox are V1s or don't exist.
KikTools said:
More appraisals and some are Xbox some are psn
Tell me which one is xbox.
100% guarantee you wouldn't just publicly tell people these gts for xbox..
None of these are Gamertags, they are PSNs....stop trying to flex
404 said:
Pretty much 1K+ for each, besides FMJ could see like $250+ for that one
I agree with this. There ain't really prices for these because tags like these are rare to come by now adays.
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