Insta: @T*****r

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Power member.
The instagram @T*****r will go to whoever offers me the highest within the next hour.

BIN = $50
RE: Insta: @Trooper

Just saw this on another thread.

GLWS Phillus.
This is a sick insta I would totally buy this if I had some money!
No set base $?

Oh well 10$.
I would recommend starring this out. I am not sure why but people are doing it. Good luck selling this!
I'll trade you the Instagram forumkorner for this.
I bid las $15 sorry I hope I win
i swear i've seen this a billion times on hf and fk. But anyway GLWS
hobbes said:
I would recommend starring this out. I am not sure why but people are doing it. Good luck selling this!

I have never had an Instagram get banned ever, plus I remove it from my threads once sold always.
Hm.. competition for this name haha... 20$
RE: Insta: @Trooper

Competition I see ill bid $25 for this
RE: Insta: @Trooper

Good luck selling this Philly
RE: Insta: @Trooper

I'll go 30$, lmk philly I need a new IG badly
RE: Insta: @Trooper

$35 need this IG sick a'f let me know.
RE: Insta: @Trooper

instaseller said:
$35 need this IG sick a'f let me know.

Wonder why? You're buying EVERY single @ and charge backing for everyone. Stop ruing the deal for the people who want to do a smooth transaction.
RE: Insta: @Trooper

Enforce said:
Wonder why? You're buying EVERY single @ and charge backing for everyone. Stop ruing the deal for the people who want to do a smooth transaction.

I done deals with Phil before and don't say anything with your 0 rep. And it's called feature points.
RE: Insta: @Trooper

Current offer is at $30, I have set a BIN at $50, and will accept the highest offer within the next few minutes.
RE: Insta: @Trooper

Philly said:
Current offer is at $30, I have set a BIN at $50, and will accept the highest offer within the next few minutes.

I'll go $35 let me know . Glws . And is the fully secured?
RE: Insta: @Trooper

instaseller said:
I'll go $35 let me know . Glws . And is the fully secured?

Sending you a PM now as you have gotten the highest offer.
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