Instagram Appraisals


Looking for appraisals on:

@pi*elate (hint: x)

@kl*fki (hint: e) (pokemon) SOLD
@mus*arna (hint: h) (pokemon) SOLD
~honesty said:
First two are worthless and the last o e maybe $10
the first 2 are deffinitly not worthless.

I'm sure @hockey would pick those IG's up.
Haha hit me up through pm and we can tlak about prices, thanks @wax :)
Looking to sell these ASAP, please PM if interested! Thanks for the help everyone.
If those Pokemon IGs aren't in the first 3 gens they don't have much value.

The P*x*late one is difficult because it could be great for a niche. Maybe $50. Don't take my word though.
Looking for serious appraisals on pi*elate, trying to get off my hands ASAP. Any help is appreciated, thanks
60-80$ is a good range for pixelate it's all about preference for a word like that