Instagram Mafia [$3.00]


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Guaranteed 1.5k followers per hour if dedicated!
This method requires no downloads, and 100% refund if it does not work as I PROMISE it will!
The first two copies will be sold at $3, let's get this rolling!

@michael @justice looking for vouch copies?

RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

I might be interested in this once I see some proof.
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

Divinitive said:
i mean check out my account i botted up to 1150 followers @queenbraden nobody has really replied for vouch copies soo.....

Damn it's botted followers?
Might want to put that in the OP.
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

Plague said:
Damn it's botted followers?
Might want to put that in the OP.

sorry, i thought that was rather self explanatory because a method to get 1.5k real followers per hour would go for a lot more than $4... but these bots are HQ, real pictures and everything, around 100-200 followers for each of these accounts
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

Is this the method I bought off you already?
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

Divinitive said:
yes I have been PMing you multiple times and you have not replied.

My pm's are glitched, pm me again man.

I can vouch this does indeed work, it's simple and easy to do!
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

Are you ABLE to get real followers?
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

If the followers are real i'd happily buy this?
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

This Ebook is well written, quick to download, and aesthetically pleasing. It would be pretty difficult to get 1,500 an hour, but it all just depends on how dedicated you are, like you mentioned. It's a simple, tedious process, but it works efficiently. You could try using Selenium or iMacros to do it for you, but I'm not sure if it would work. If you have some time on your hands and want followers or likes, this is a good Ebook for you. I gained a hundred in roughly 7 or 8 minutes, but I wasn't going very hard. Pretty good Ebook brah.
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

thanks, glad you enjoyed it, well worth the money i hope others begin seeing that as well
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

If you are able to get real followers I'm interested
RE: Instagram Mafia [$4.00]

Divinitive said:
sorry, i thought that was rather self explanatory because a method to get 1.5k real followers per hour would go for a lot more than $4... but these bots are HQ, real pictures and everything, around 100-200 followers for each of these accounts
1.5k is so easy to get. SFS is all you need. Got 1k in a day cause of it.
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