Instagram Pullback Service


Power member.
Since I have seen Instagrams getting scammed, I decided to start this service.

-Must have been an onsite deal-
-Must have filled out a scammers bay report-
-The scam report must be filled out as valid-
-Must have 100% solid proof that you got scammed; also people need to agree that you got scammed-
-If they swap usernames then I can't do anything about it, so don't PM me-
-Don't Complain, this isn't a 100% guarantee-
-Only the person who got scammed may apply for this-
-If you don't follow these rules and apply for one or PM me you will be blacklisted for a certain amount of time-

My free service is to pullback Instagrams that you have been scammed off of.

Instagram has this way to report hacked accounts, which I will fill out for you or you can fill it out yourself and I tell you how to format it. Also, I have done this before and it worked after a week (it was for my hacked 6k IG account)

-Old Email (may need to be valid)-
-A new email (different from old email)-
-Old Password-
-How it got hacked-
-Optional: A paragraph about the account-

To apply reply or HMU a PM. If staff finds this against the rules I will close this thread as soon as I see. Will be adding more as I help scammed people get their stuff back.
Why would we need you when you just told us what we need?

-Old Email (may need to be valid)-
-A new email (different from old email)-
-Old Password-
-How it got hacked-
-Optional: A paragraph about the account-

All you gotta do is email instagram with the Needed stuff anyways gl
because everyone else like me are lazy fucks to do it ourself.
Comedian said:
Yup, that is why I am doing this, also you can't email instagram, you have to fill a report a certain way

So why don't you tell us this "certain way" so we dont have to give you our previous passes. you are trying to help us right? so why not just tell us how.

please show me how to do this please my 27k got scammed

can you give me the link or where to go to file it myself ? i was scammed offsite.
Sup everyone?

Anyone got any Instagrams by any chance. Just figured Eye'd browse.
wish i had leaned about this when my 7k got scammed but i have a 40k now anyways so its all good
User said:
Sup everyone?

Anyone got any Instagrams by any chance. Just figured Eye'd browse.

I retrieved my old 7k back, this method works
This is a great service, thanks for helping the community out @Loser
yo man i cant pm you cus i dont have 10 post yet , but can u kik me @ppe , please
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